
As I sit here reading and re-reading some of our humorous and light-hearted banter over the past month, and most specifically the past several days, I have come to the realization that we have taken this particular forum to an entirely new level.


We've no doubt pushed the limits of what would be otherwise deemed "inappropriate" elsewhere on RC, and we've done so in a very acceptible and community-like manner without upsetting the balance. A few months back there were some heatwed discussions with a couple other very infrequent members here, but they were wrong and we were right and they eventually figured it out. :D (joking of course)

I also know for fact that there are a few other RC members that lurk here from time to time, but as I recall have yet to make themselves known by posting in the SCUBA forum, though I certainly wish they would.

"SeaJay" and I have obviously become personal friends & dive buddies, and he's taken my diving to an entirely different level.

"cerich", who owns Edge/HOG, showed up here on the scene at a critical time when I was inquiring about HOG regulators, and filled in all of the necesary blanks for us. A couple of days later I bought a complete set of HOG's and have subsequently turned others on to them.

"Bill" had once even offered to share his processd scallops with all of us.

To make a long story short; I LOVE YOU GUYS and would consider it an honor to be able to dive with each and every one of you! :love2:

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Just thinking out loud here, but maybe just maybe we could organize a "Reef Central Group Dive" somewhere centrally located where we could all get together and do just that for a long weekend..???...???...???...???

That'd be super cool...

I wouldn't mind diving that old mine you were talking about... And of course, I know of about a hundred really cool spring dives in Florida...
Bonne Terre Mine would be an ideal central location, but it's kinda pricy at $65 per tank w/ a 2-tank minimum... Nitrox is $75 /tank. It's also 58* water temps year round, which *may* discourage some divers, however I would certainly be up for it!

Mermet Spring Diving Center in southern IL is obviously another option, but it would get super congested in the summer.

Another place could be France Park in Logansport, IN. France Park is an old limestone quarry with crystal clear water that has become a public swimming hole in the summers. They also have a great campground. I grew up around there and spent my summers cliff diving and swimming at the beach, and watched lots of divers come and go back in the 80's. This could actually be the best spot to do this, because it wouldn't be diver congested, yet there is a dive shack on site that does fills and gear on weekends.


Then again, there is always rig diving south of New Orleans, but obviously the weather becomes a planning and logistics issue. The bottom is also at about 3000+ feet, so don't overweight or you're on your own!

The Florida springs would be awesome, but could become a limiting factor for anyone not interested or qualified to be venturing inside a cavern.

Obviously I'm about as "central" as it gets, and we certainly have lakes around here that we dive all summer, but the VIS is usually on the lower side at about 15-30 depending upon a lot of factors.

Somewhere where we could also night dive would be a huge plus!!!

FWIW: France Park would be a 9 hour drive for me, but since we have a lot of members here from the Chicago, Michigan & Wisconsin areas, it would be the most accessible for them.

You, Bill and I would really have the furthest to travel, but it's all good from my perspective. :)

You all can meet me in Cozumel in 15 days.

Seriously though, I agree, we've become a little community and I for one would be willing to travel to get to dive with you.

Actually, I guess I am also serious about meeting me in Cozumel, if you can swing it. Staying and diving with Aldora.
Coz would be lovely, but it's not exactly suitable for this type of thing.

FWIW: I just called the Dive Op that services France Park and got some info from her... The bottom is only 28 feet, but as you can clearly see the park is huge, so that shouldn't be an issue... It could even be a benefit for those new divers that are more squeemish about deeper dives. Those of us that would dive doubles could stay down pretty much all day. Night diving is certainly doable, but since it's a state park, law requires am insuranced Dive Master to be onhand at all times. (SeaJay..?). If we don't have one, then we can certainly rent one!

One thing about France Park, is that it's designed as a total "family" place, so for anyone that has family that wouldn't be into diving (like my wife), then she and others could just hang out and swim at the same beach that we would be diving from.

If anyone has any other suggestions, then PLEASE do post up.

Lets get this thing off the ground and get a new thread started that is dedicated to this!!!

Who knows, if we have enough interest in this and the number of committed divers is high enough, then maybe we could talk our 2 members that are equipment manufacturers/distributors ("cerich" & "Coral Diver) into coming and putting on a demo dive for us... :)

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have you had a chance to dive the miflex hose yet? Ive heard a few reports that they are real floaty and are apt to come up from behind your head... Im curious if you found that to be true. Did you get all your got stuff on Black Friday? I couldn't pass up
$30 spg and $50 second stages. I have spare firsts but need more seconds. I opened up the regs and was pretty impressed. They look like a good reg, but havent had a chance to really try them out yet.
Rule 6 extra points for regs, tanks, and din plugs that all match color. shoulda gone with Scuba Pro Blue regs and tank to match the big blue H :)
or I guess now matching H regs (same thing)