
I'm not going to tell you why I don't believe in using DIN plugs on my tank... It'll ruin your fun. :)

Actually, maybe I can, since your plugs don't appear to be afflicted with the problem.

Normally, if you use DIN plugs like these, if you put them in and then somehow the valve gets cracked open, it'll pressurize the space between the valve and the plug.

...Which isn't a problem until you go and try to remove the plug and you can't because it's pressurized and there's no way to vent.

I've seen on more than one occasion someone have to drill a hole in the cap to get it to vent, just so they could get the plug out. :)

Looks like yours already has a vent hole - with the string in it.

Now, why you'd need the plug, I have no idea... It's not like it protects anything (there's no o-ring on a DIN valve) - and you're still going to crack the valve open and blow the threads out before you attach those nice, new regs... I guarantee it. :)

But yes, they sure do look good. :)

I think you'll get annoyed with the plugs the first time you reach back to do a valve drill and the little plug-on-a-string gets in your way... Or the first time it gets caught between the tank and the cave ceiling or wreck wall and you ding up your tank, the plug, or both...

But yeah, they are definitely hot-looking. :)

Maybe you could just mount all of this stuff in a shadowbox, put it on your wall, and leave it... And continue to dive your Cressi stuff... :)

Kinda like Harleys - really cool to look at, but... :D
Tim: Okay, they're pretty... And I can't believe that you purchased a bottle of touchup paint for them...
It was just automotive touch-up paint, and it did work to hide a few scratches here and there... ;)

The red anodized plugs are over-the-top. Even at my standards! :)

I'm not going to tell you why I don't believe in using DIN plugs on my tank... It'll ruin your fun. :)

Meanwhile, ya better take a lot of photos while everything's still perfect... :)
See above ^. :lol2:

Funny - I don't see a drop of epoxy anywhere. :)
Ironically, my tanks were the only thing that didn't get epoxy on them, except for a small amount on the rubber knob which flaked right off. :thumbsup:

I know full well that it's only a matter of time before I'll have to strip the tanks as per your suggestion, due to all the hideous scratches that they'll be getting all too soon, but at least for they they look awesome! :D
You DO realize that I'm dying of boredom today, so the rationale behind posting the pic w/ the valve caps was to get you all riled up don't you..? :D

The comments about the new H regs on SB are serious, and based in merit though. ;)

hey fishy,
nice to see someone else from MI here, where are you located? I'm in Graqnd Rapids and was wondering if you knew any good scuba places around here.
mmmm it is a balmy -21 today here in the great white north....but that scuba gear sure looks nice to the laymen (me) i went scuba diving while i was in Cuba...but have no recollection of any of the ear we used...LOL something i would seriously like to get more involved in though..
Ya know Bill, there's just something so tragically wrong about complimenting another man on his WET DREAMS! :eek2: :eek2: <-- blue balls for added effect
