monthly meeting


New member
hi there guys, i have lived in the area for a little over a year, and was wandering if there is a actual club in the area.. do they have monthly meeting's or any thing like that.. Im getting ready to start setting up my new 400gal tank, and whould like to start to meet some of the reefers in the area...

no meetings yet. There was a grou in the past that meet a few times, I guess that fizzled out, but I do know Ryan (coralfarmer) has mentioned somewhere about having monthly meetings at his store if we would like.
lol that would be a good meeting wiz.... how to grow hydroids and flatworms, propagation made easy lol. Just kidding man, I'd def come up for a meeting or have it at the store or even someone elses place just to get the ball rolling. Just let me know what you guys want to do and I'm in
lol.. it looks like i opened a can of worms.. obviously i whould be interested in meeting up.. i was a member of CSea, a club out of cleavland ohio, where i moved from.. we had are meeting at the cleavland zoo, and had speakers and other people come in and give presentations. I always looked forward to the third friday of every month.. the monthly raffles were always fun also..

I will be watching closely to see where this goes...

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9040080#post9040080 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by wiszmaster
ALRIGHT! ALRIGHT! we are DONE witht he funnies about my flatworms ...

No we are not. That joke will die hard just like the flatworms...:D :D :D :D
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9040080#post9040080 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by wiszmaster
ALRIGHT! ALRIGHT! we are DONE witht he funnies about my flatworms ...

Then why in the world is your avitar, Flatworm Exit? Do you get a a commission from Habib (Salifert);) ????
dan at the salty critter is a very nice guy, and i never had a problem handing him some of my hard earned cash.. he was not only a member but a very big sponcer of my old club (CSea), donating about 10 corals every month for our monthy raffle. Im still looking for a comparible store in the area to replace what he had to offer.. Im starting to think it's not gunna happen..

I'll be honest, My dream is to replicate his store.... I spent a lot of money in that store myself and got a good taste of what people want to see. I've only had my store since november and am very satisified with the feedback I've gotten from my customers but I assure you I'm always trying to do whatever I can within budget to grow and maintain what has the potential to be that store in which i drove over an hour and a half each way to go too :)
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9049557#post9049557 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by coralfarmer84
I'll be honest, My dream is to replicate his store.... I spent a lot of money in that store myself and got a good taste of what people want to see. I've only had my store since november and am very satisified with the feedback I've gotten from my customers but I assure you I'm always trying to do whatever I can within budget to grow and maintain what has the potential to be that store in which i drove over an hour and a half each way to go too :)

I drive 45 min each wasy to come see you!:D
coralfarmer.. i know how reef central is so if you want to tell me in private that is fine.. but where are you located, and what's the name of your store.. I have only found 2 stores in naples

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9055339#post9055339 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by CORALFISHG
coralfarmer.. i know how reef central is so if you want to tell me in private that is fine.. but where are you located, and what's the name of your store.. I have only found 2 stores in naples


Jason, You have a PM.