Monti Cap, low, med or high flow?


Just curious what folks thoughts are on the amount of flow your Monti Cap should be exposed to? I have one fairly low in the tank in order to not shade others coral over time under a Radion Gen 3 XR15; seems to be pretty good in terms of light but was curious about flow. Its about 10" from an MP10 that runs 30-60%.
my experience is: it thrives everywhere, at any height in any flow...I have some grow well in front of my icecap 3k gyre on top, on other broken pieces grow well at the bottom with almost no flow.
Sps corals are almost always medium/high flow as they need/want that to keep them clean on the surface
my experience is: it thrives everywhere, at any height in any flow...I have some grow well in front of my icecap 3k gyre on top, on other broken pieces grow well at the bottom with almost no flow.

100% agree.

I have 2 different types in my tank and when a piece breaks off, it will grow pretty much anywhere.
my experience is: it thrives everywhere, at any height in any flow...I have some grow well in front of my icecap 3k gyre on top, on other broken pieces grow well at the bottom with almost no flow.

This seems to be the consensus which is good to know as I all ready epoxied this one into place and it get lot's of flow.
100% agree.

I have 2 different types in my tank and when a piece breaks off, it will grow pretty much anywhere.

i'll +10000000 this

i have caps growing all over my tank. usually what happens is my big dumb hands get in the tank doing something else, make a bunch of frags accidentally that fall in to the rocks, so i leave them. a few months later, i got new shelves springing up.

they can quickly get out of hand. when i build my next tank, anything plating is going to be sandboxed as best i can.