Monti Cap


New member

Nikon D200
105 VR (VR off, Manual Focus, Tripod)
Nikon Extension Tube

Critique & Criticism welcome.
Nice shot.

Couple questions:
What is an extension tube used for?
What mode are you shooting in?
Whay are you setting your WB with?
Manual mode. ISO 400, 10second exposure, and I didn't get an aperture setting in the XIF.

I set the white balance to a gray area on the rock.

Regarding the extension tube... Wiki says it pretty well.

While you could use this tube to give you macro capability on a non-macro lens, this was used in conjunction with a Nikon macro (micro) lens.
I also have the 105 vr lens. I just got my camera set up about a months ago and there is so much more to getting a good shot than I thought. Thank you for your help.
Awesome use of depth of field. My only suggestion is move or crop the coral on the left and right sides of the photo. Especially the one on the left, it's distracting. That's a great photo though Phyl. It has so much texture it begs to be touched.
Good luck with it. Take lots (and lots and lots) of pictures. There's lots to learn by playing with the cam in Manual mode.
Thanks, Johnny. I was thinking I'd crop that on the left out next time I shoot that picture. Kinda like the shadows on the right though. I'll have to see what I can do about minimizing the distraction.

Thanks for the thoughts.