Monti eating nudi.'s-how to control??

Fighting it here as well ;) Heard that some wrasses eat them, kill them on your own, or cut the frags and throw the infected areas away.
One fish,truely effective RADIANT WRASSE. A bit pricy,fish are awesome.This fish would not work for you if your system is BB coz' they need sand to sleep in or get treaten by other tank mates.
Montis Nudi.'s

Montis Nudi.'s

Thank you very much for all the much appreciated advice-I started the manual attack tonight but know I didn't get them all.
I had a Monti Hispida that had monti nudis. I got rid of them by dipping the coral in Lugol's Plus Iodine Solution. It took a few dips but it has been several months and I have not seen any more signs of the nudis. It was a little rough on the coral because I used a high strength bath, but it recovered fully.
40 ppm Levamisole hydrochloride for 6 hours in a separate bath, then blowing them off with a powerhead. Original method by Mitch Carl of the Omaha Zoo. There are some threads on this if you search. You can also stop the infection manually (so I've heard) if you search for adults on a regular basis and pluck them off your coral. There is no in tank treatment that I know of.

Natural predators also seem to work to some degree. Golden wrasse will eat them, but might need to be taught to look for them.

You can purchase the chemical online from a number of vendors on line. It's a pig/cattle dewormer, and not expensive. The powdered form is more stable long term if you plan on making up small batches of the chemical.
i use super glue. glue the nudi's and especially thier eggs. it sucks because its a daily thing for a few weeks because of the straglers but its effective and the montipora grows back over. if you go to reef farmers they have a treatment method using Tetra Oomed and lugol's afterward.

i would be interested to try the method listed by greg hiller as well.
Hmm.... heard this many times and i have advised many too. Unfortunately not many would like to hear.

1) Keep more fishes, angels especially dwarf angels..
2) Keep yellow or six line wrasses too. They can control it not necessary some special or expensive one.

They will be gone in no time. I used to have them and do whatever i can but cannot eliminate them totally. Once added alot of fishes which helps to keep them in check.

Believe me, using superglue gel to eliminate them are only short term, they will have eggs underneath the corals, rocks, etc where you couldnt even find them. Bathing with whatever is also short term, Once it is infested, they will be inside the tank. Unless you want to soak your whole tank with it.
about 2 months ago, My yellow wrasse dissappered--- ( carpet surfing?) out of nowhere monti eating nuti's appeared! ( yes they may have been there but never noticed them or had problems with them) anyway,, My very large nice caps were being eaten at a very fast rate!!! :( I bought a yellow and a 6-line. I have not seen one monti eating nuti since :thumbsup:
Last summer, I bought a Monti from someone who used wrasses for `eradication'. Hadn't seen any in months ... weren't going to be an issue for me. They were long gone ....

Needless to say, a few months later, I had a Monti nudi problem.

If you trade, `natural predators' are a joke IMO - as you can easily have a few eggs left ... and pass along the plague.
Sure, you won't see any ... but does that mean your coral [and any frags/etc] don't have a single egg?

Might be good for you - but if you trade/sell ... might end up infecting the next tank.

I know I'll never buy, trade, or take a freebie from the source of my Monti nudis. Maybe wrasses `work' for him + his tank ... but not for his reputation for selling pests w/ livestock.

IME, while high-intensity Lugols can work, Levamisole as outlined by Mitch Carl IMO is by far the best choice. Natural predators might solve your problem - but might still leave you spreading them to others.
monti. killing

monti. killing

I just wanted to pass along some info. A friend and I pulled the Monti's out and soaked them in aquarium water plus Iodine and it immediately started killing the adult Nudi.'s but as for the egg sacks they have to be manually removed with a toothbrush. It's a time consuming problem but it happens to be a learning experience at the same time. Hope that helps.
Good Luck