The second or third picture if i can tell, Is that a pygmy angel? Ever see it eat any polyps?
Have you notice any improvement? If your still having the issues i would recommend doing 3 10% water changes over a week
I actually found a very slow leak a week ago which led to a salinity drop to 1.022 right around the time this stuff started, so I think it was the perfect storm of change in salinity, too much GFO, etc. I wonder if Dinos are even causing any problems on the coral? It's here and there on the tips, but I haven't lost a single snail!
As far as alk stability:
The bump up in October correlates with (I think) an increase in top off (which has kalk in it) due to the slow leak. Wish I had a salinity probe!
Stability for 2 weeks is not enough unfortunately, but its a start. Keep it like that for 2 months and things should start to turn around. But it may take that long before you see any improvement. Just trust what you are doing is right and have faith in the process. Easier said than done....