More fish>


New member
This is kinda a newbie question, but I have a 36 gallon tank with a ten gallon sump. I have probabbly 35-40 pounds of live rock in my diplay tank, and one of those big marine pure blocks.

Here are the fish I have.

Springer Damsel
Tail spot goby
3 black onyx clownfish (clownfish are young, and I'm going to get rid of the third one)

Should I add some more fish? I'm thinking it would be alright if I got a firefish, and maybe a yellow goby. (after I get rid of one of my clowns) What do you guys think? My water is fine, no algae outbreaks. Looking for a second opinion. :)
You have the room, but you'll run into aggression issues. The damsel and clownfish (who are damsels) will probably fight with a firefish. The goby might be okay, except if you have a lot of rock (which it sounds like) the gobys might fight over limited sand space.

But biologically, you could definitely handle a more fish. You asked if you should add more fish? No you should not add more fish. You can, but why?

You could look at a dwarf angel if your liverock is very live and full of stuff for the angel to graze on.
You have the room, but you'll run into aggression issues. The damsel and clownfish (who are damsels) will probably fight with a firefish. The goby might be okay, except if you have a lot of rock (which it sounds like) the gobys might fight over limited sand space.

But biologically, you could definitely handle a more fish. You asked if you should add more fish? No you should not add more fish. You can, but why?

You could look at a dwarf angel if your liverock is very live and full of stuff for the angel to graze on.

I do have a considerable amount of rock space. You think the firefish would be harrassed by the clownfish? I haven't heard of clowns harrassing firefish... I don't think black onxy are particularly aggressive? I can see the springer damsel going after though, even though it's a peaceful breed.

Why would I get more fish? Well more fish means more things to look at, right? Why would I get fish at all? Because they are colorful, lively, and intresting. Of course if it will be a negative to my other livestock I wouldn't want to.
Ok thanks for the advice man! :D

I gave a mated Pair of black onyx clowns (in Nem) in a 65g along with
-a royal gramma
-a purple fire fish
-an Orange Anthais
-a diamond sand sifting goby
-a mandarin
-a red scooter blenny
-a fire shrimp
-a skunk shrimp
-a pep shrimp.

Absolutely no aggression problems, so any 5 ish would be fine, except mandarin and red scooter unless the tank is at least stable, 1 year....and the diamond back, not sure how that's works with your tail spot.