more flow??


New member
I currently have a 37 gallon with a quite one that pushes 496gph but is turned down to about half. I have two maxi-jet 600's for added flow in the tank controlled by an rk2. I was looking to upgrade the maxis to koralias, and i cant decide if i should get the koralia nano (240 gph) or the koralia 1 (400 gph). the maxi's currently cycle on and off every 30 minutes during the day, and 1 hour at night. Any suggestions?? Id also consider any other pumps you guys recommended too. Thanks!
I bought two Koralia 1's for my 55. Later I bought a 2 and liked it better. I suggest two 2's on opposing sides. Currently I'm running the 2 on one side and the two 1's on the other side with a Wavemaster Pro. They alterate every few seconds, giving somewhat of a wave effect. The tank contains branching hammer, bubble coral, BTA, mushrooms, xenia, etc. and it's not too much for them as long as they're not aimed directly at them.
koralia's arnt ideal if u plan to run a wavemaker... id be worried about a small fish swimming into the impeller then it turning back on :rollface:
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I haven't had any problems with my Koralias hooked up to the Wavemaster Pro. And I haven't had any fish swimming into them.
90g - Four K2
55g - One K2, two K1

I believe the instructions say not to use them with a wavemaker, but I haven't had any trouble. They're a big improvement over the Rios I used to have. They all eventually stopped kicking on or they failed in other ways.

IME it's a [relatively] low cost solution, much cheaper than a wave box or the other propeller pumps out there, and I AM CHEAP.
well im not looking to spend a fortune on pumps for a 37 when i may end up switching the tank to a 55 anyways in the near future. What setup would you recommend instead of the koralias and my current setup which i feel is to weak? 2 tunze's are a little to strong for my 37 right??