More Macros


New member
Playing around with exposure compensation, dropped the FStop to 13.....

Went aheadd and ordered a watermark program for my images as they are already turning up on websites,,...LOL.. nice compliment, just wish I could get some credit....



This next one looks like it has some glare/noise on the glass. but it's actually some type of sponge on the rock


This probably looks like a repeat image, but this one the xenia is finally in focus, took forever to capture this image
Thanks for nice compliments

Nikon D40x with 105mm Macro VR lens on manual

Macro slider on tripod for better focusing

UV filter

no special lighting and I'm not photoshopping anything, all I do is resize and crop.

I did find that I had to have my eyes examined again as the power of my contacts was off just a little, this sounds like a minor issue, you almost have to have almost perfect vision when your in manual mode with a macros lens otherwise the focus will come out a little blurry blurry. I did a test using old contacts and new contacts and the difference is amazing.