Most essential Equipment


New member
In a mixed larger tank with 12-14 SPS (millis, acros, caps), and a medium fish population - what would you consider to be the more essential - larger skimmer OR random flow?

At this time I have a 200g tank, 60g sump with a ASM G3, skimming wet. Skimmer is perhaps undersized but wet skimming should help.

Also have other than the return on dual overflows - 1200 g/hr closed loop X2, Mag5 on a sea swirl and a 2600 Seio. The only randomness being the sea swirl, not counting head loss 6700 g/hr total movement.

The next upgrade - larger skimmer OR increase random flow?
Are you using a calcium reactor as of yet?

On that size tank if you don't have one and are planning on adding more coral I would put one on your list as well.
Hmmm, Flow can be done on the cheap, Sieo's bouncing off glass will get you by, so I say Skimmers/clean water is most important.

At this time I am using a kalk reactor in line with my ATO.

The tank was mostly soft and LPS, just started upping the SPS recently so the calcium demand has not been so high.

Everything is moving well with the return, closed loops, sea swirl and Seio. I felt the flow may be on the low side but was uncertain how important "random" is............and I know the skimmer could be bigger as well. Just could not decide which is priority. The price of the Tunze X2 with controller is frightening.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8178547#post8178547 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by REEF-DADDY
I'd go flow then get a bigger skimmer. Either way you need both

I second this. I wouldn't say you absolutely NEED a skimmer, but boy does it make things easier (and usually makes them look better, too).
Both and a calcium reactor in conjunction with the kalk...if kalk is getting you by then i guess CA reac is not necessary...i would get a huge skimmer in case you decide to ever get a bigger tank you can still use it.

Id wait for the nano streams....get quite a few of them and spread them around the tank..i cant wait...even in a 200g they are gonna be good for flow....they are only gonna be like 80-90 bucks so you can afford many of them in comparison to two tunze 6100 with controller....nanos are going to come with controllers too...i think they will allow use to tinker with flow and get it just right considering how small and concealable they will be(they will also push like 1200 GPH)

i say skimmer or CA reactor depending on the need for the reactor
I would get the skimmer first so your water is clean. Since your tank isnt packed with sps yet you could probably get by without any more flow, so that would be second on my list. And lastly I would get a calcium reactor to help keep up with the corals intake.
If you don’t have a generator you may want to consider buying one. They are an often overlooked piece of equipment but they are a very important part of any reef tank…
Backup equipment is all imprtant. As an alternative to the generator, depending on tank's location and costs-benefits, one of the battery operated backups from this article ( could also be a priority.

Otherwise, I'd go with the flow; even the biggest skimmer won't skim the DOCs if they're not suspended in the water column long enough to get down into your sump. And for that you need flow. Another closed loop or a bigger pump on your loops, maybe?
Quarantine tank. End of story.

If you don't do this all other purchases will be of little value.
I say more flow then get a better skimmer. Just keep up on the water changes. Some don't have skimmers and have nice tanks; some that don't have skimmer have nasty tanks. Waste output needs to equal input. You have a skimmer you have ok flow. Its personal preference you got to make the call, you'll get a million and one opinions here one way or the other. Good luck with your decision.
Backup generator - done

Chiller - does not appear to be a need. We keep the house cool and I use fan on sump, fan in canopy and exhaust fans output to the crawlspace under the house, lighting is 400wX1, 250wX2, 160wX2 - usually not over 81.5 in summer.

I grow macro algae in the sump in a frag out area.

This lead me to skimmer (larger) and/or increase flow. The seios are relatively cheap, so picking up another 2600 g/hr is pretty easy.

Flow - I am at 1200 return+ 1200 closed loop + 1200 closed loop + 500 closed loop + 2600 Seio = 5700 (minus head loss) g/hr. What is the target g/hr.?

ASM - GX4 - large enough skimmer?
Go for the flow!!! :D I would shoot for somewhere between 40x and 80x. Right now you are at about 30x so I would try to almost double the flow. The fish and corals will love it!

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8183491#post8183491 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Surgeonfish1

ASM - GX4 - large enough skimmer?

The G4x will work with a low/moderate bio load. You have to cut the ASM rating in half so your at 225. Most SPS tanks run skimmers vastly overrated(sometimes double) for the size in hopes of keeping nutrient levels low and colors high. For example I used to run a G6 on my 280. If you can keep your bio load in check you'll be fine, if not I would pony up the the G5
I would go for the skimmer.

Flow IMO is a much easier incremental addition, when you can get the money ... where a skimmer is a one-out big purchase.

In addition, I figure that you're growing smaller corals and frags ... which while they need flow [and you need flow for good export/suspension] ... they don't need the much larger random flow that larger grown-out colonies will. IMO, of course.

Can't run with terrible flow ... but more static flow IMO can be made to suffice in the meantime and Seios + such, banking/collision of static-flow ph's, and taking stocking at a moderate pace buy you a whole lot of time.

If you start to accumulate nutrient [like with poor export/skimming]... it'll give you a more of a long-term trouble. Then again, regular water changes can do wonders - as can not overstocking fish, overfeeding, or letting maintenance go. My tank ran for a bit over a month recently unskimmed, and while color/growth suffered, I didn't have any major issues in the month + it ran without skimming [until I got a new one that's a better fit for my tank IMO]. Having said that, one of the very few changes my wife commented on is when I've upgraded skimmers ... she commented a few months later at how it was obvious the corals were more colorful. Thus I'm going with a skimmer.

If skimmer first [assumed less perfect flow], I'd keep up on maintenance, make sure there's not detritus-collecting-spots, keep close watch to see the corals get enough flow.

Both are important ... plenty of good opinion here on both :)
You've got mine now, take from it what you will, ignore of it what you will.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8181949#post8181949 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by easttn
Quarantine tank. End of story.

If you don't do this all other purchases will be of little value.
:thumbsup: Could not agree more.
Save yourself a lot of heartbreak and QT.
My Montipora collection consists of only a couple varieties, down far from the amazing dozen + I had before I infested my tank with Monti nudis. Don't join the club, it's not as fun a hobby when you're pulling corals out every few days for inspection/pest-removal, dipping weekly, and watching some slowly get eaten.
QT, a second tank, something simple is so cheap compared to the time/effort/purchase-price-lost of a pest.

Also do consider backup essential equipment too, replacement for the main pump has been tank-saver for me, generators also have saved many a reef. Keeping my old return pump bailed me out at 2am on a worknight, allowed me to order the part with normal UPS shipping and sleep fine in the interim.

Ok, time to end ranting :lmao:
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