Mounting 6100 streams


Professional Mind Reader
Hi Roger, I have a 450 gallon Tenecor Acrylic tank. I am replacing several Reeftec's with 2 of the 6100's which I received last week. In looking over mounting options, I'm not sure that there's a good way for me to do it. The top lip on the tank is 3/4" acrylic. the lip is 6 1/2" from the inside of the tank wall that these are to go on. Any suggestions on how I can mount these effectively and saflely. This is a well established SPS tank, and the Streams have to go in the same spot as the Reeftec's currently are in to get the proper flow. TIA for any help you can provide.
I would simply drill a hole in the perimeter bracing to clamp the rail to. I Forstner bit should make this a clean and easy operation. Short of doing this extension set 3000.26 should work I can include a suction cup spacer or custom make a rail if you send me exact dimensions and maybe a jpeg. The hole method though will provide the neatest way. Photobarry did an excellent job and his pic is on one of the threads here. You might PM him.

Please post if you completed this. I have the exact same challenge and need to understand how to overcome it.

Hi Mike & Roger. Before drilling I decided I'd try the extendor bracket (3000.260), and it worked perfectly. I even had 1/2" to spare ;) You can get it from Marine Depot or premium aquatics.
Glad to hear this, I can't imagine mustering up the courage to drill your tank :D Can you post a picture of this when you have a chance?

- scott -
I received my TS24 kit and the brackets mentioned above last week, can't wait to try 'em out. My tank is 280 gallons starphire with Eurobracing all around, hopefully the brackets will fit ok. Should have the tank next wednesday.
I have a similar problems as SawCJack00 in that I have a tenecor 500g custom tank. I already had 2 1" bulkeads piercing the top plate with pipes going down into my rockwork, but you could easily install a 1" bulkhead in the top sheet and then run a 1" PVC pipe down about 10". To this, you can strap the Tunze bracket. Here is a picture.


Since the pump is in the back corner of the tank, it is barely noticable. Also, and very importantly, make sure that you can reach the pump easily by putting your hand in the tank. As I have found out quickly, the pump will need to be removed every month or so in a system with heavy additions of Alk and Ca due to build up around the magnet. I have had mine shut down twice because the safety mechanism cut it off (? overheating from friction)

PS. Looking forward to receiving your corals tomorrow Bill!