moving 400+ gallon tank from truck to stand

Mike Ordner

Active member
Asking for input on moving a large glass aquarium from delivery truck and set up on metal stand. Tank size is 104" long x 36" deep x 27" tall. Metal stand is 34" tall. Pretty much straight access thru french doors and across room, so no fancy turns or anything to get into house and in front of stand. Company that is making the aquarium can move from truck to inside house and set up on stand for $600. Money well spent? If they mess it up then they fix it. Something I can do myself (with lots of friends!)? And if I mess it up, I am sol.

Tough call. You'd need a lot of the 200lb rated suction cups. Probably 6 at least on each side. So that's 12 strong, trust worthy friends. then you'd probably want some sort of lift to get it to the same height as the stand. Though with only a 34" stand you might be able to get away with just lifting a little and sliding it on.
Well if you have a lot of strong friends you can get some straps and do it that way, you can rent those dollies that have the lift capability too (used one of them to move a glass tank from a 2nd story to the back of a truck... back pane was 1.5" thick glass too!)

Not sure if that would save you that much money though... Any idea on the weight of the tank, something that big it's gotta be pretty heavy... a quick calculation is about half a ton (assuming 1" thick glass) And assuming it's custom (if not let me know who makes a stock tank that size!! :D) you probably already spent a fortune on it, in which case $600 isn't that much more to have peace of mind to make sure you don't trip and fall right before the finish line. Plus your loved ones will appreciate it because it's no fun moving a tank that heavy.

Like you said, they screw up, they make it right, whether it's a fracture or a tiny scratch.
Thanks, I have not asked the actual weight. But the walls will be 3/4 inch and the bottom will be a hybrid 1/2 inch glass/pvc. It will also have a 48 long x 7 x 7 inch external overflow. Just rough estimating the glass, I come up with around 765 lbs. This tank will also have a black powdercoated stainless steel frame, so maybe closer to 800 lbs total. Someone somewhere recommended a piano moving company to move it, but that would still cost me.
I would spend the money and have them put it in place. Trying to save a little now could turn into a disaster with a tank that size and weight. That external overflow isn't going ot help the situation either.