Moving My Reef

Don't forget hand warmers get alot hotter then mailer heat packs. There are videos of people cooking their corals because they put too many hand warmers. You could also put a heat pack in a zip lock bag or a water tight container and float it in your water to keep it warm.

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That's a great idea about the heat pack in a ziplock!

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Moving My Reef


Move is complete... it was the third time i have broken down a tank so that was all done by muscle memory... transporting everything 7 hours was a different story tho.

I placed all my frags, a few fish, and bigger colonies that i kept in bags, assisted by my LFS (Aquatic Collections... Karson is the MAN) who added air and clamping the bags. I placed the bags in styrofoam cases that I saved over the years (I told my fiancé they would come in handy for YEARS).

I then placed live rock, anemone & clowns, a wrasse, and whatever random snails i could sort out in a 45L RTIC cooler with tank water, a pump and heater... however i did not use the pump and heater during the drive as the movement of the car and the cooler it self maintained everything really well.

I also brought 5 gal on fresh water and 2 empty buckets

Upon arrival i moved the cooler contents into. 27 gallon heavy duty bin, with the heater and pump. I then proceeded to float all of the bagged items. I made 5 gallons of saltwater/ heated and added that too the bin as well. After temp acclimation i discarded the bagged water and placed the coral in the bins...

Overall no fish/inverts died, and of the ~60ish pieces that I kept, 4 died but the rest are in the bin de-stressing ...

I will leave everything in the bin for a few days while maintenance my stand...

All in all it was a success and i couldn't have done it without all your guys' input. From the bottom of my heart, thank you all!

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