Moving, need to re-home fish


I am moving and am looking to re-home some fish from my tank. Id like to keep the fish together since they have all been in the same tank for 6 years or so. Also, they must go to a tank where they can live for a long time.

- Ocellaris Clownfish Mated Pair, they do lay eggs and will come with a rock with about 5 RBTA and a rock with a GBTA. They must all go together, these anemones have hosted the clowns for years and i would not want to separate them. The anemones are very healthy with great color.

- Flame Angel, full grown

- Cleaner Shrimp, full grown

- Spotted Mandarin Goby, small-med but nice and fat. Must go to a tank with good pod population

- Royal Gramma, Small-med

If you have a nice mature tank and would like to take these fish as a lot, let me know. I cant stress enough that these fish need to go to a good home, I have had them for a long time and would expect them to have a good life with the new owner. I can text pictures, 216-536-1500