Moving tank across new floor


New member
So I'm resurfacing, staining, and coating my existing hardwood floors with polyurathane. I keep my 65 gallon tank which has a steel stand on the wood floor and need to move it to refinish the floors, then move back into place.

I already moved the tank by draining about 1/3 to 1/2 of the water. Then I lifted the stand one side at a time and put slding pads under the 4 legs. I then very carefully and slowly moved the tank across the floor to the kitchen which is not being resurfaced. In the process of moving, I did scratch the existing floor a little, which is no big deal because I will be sanding the floors down anyways. My concern is when I go to move my tank back, I don't want to scratch the new floor.

Has anyone else successfully done something like this before? I know my tank isn't huge, but it's still quite alot of weight to be sliding across a new floor. I was thinking of covering the sliding pads with clean socks or something to give a clean cloth surface for sliding instead of a hard plastic surface. i don't know if this will be enough. Any thoughts? I don't want to dismantle my entire reef if at all possible.
buy a sheet of frp and lay on the floor then slide the tank across on it... this keeps from scratching the floor...

The Furniture gliders slide very easily over it
If your stand will allow it, get a bunch (more the better) of 1/2" PVC lengths 12" or so wider than the stand, place them under the stand, then "roll" it into place.
If your stand will allow it, get a bunch (more the better) of 1/2" PVC lengths 12" or so wider than the stand, place them under the stand, then "roll" it into place.

Thats so Egyptian pyramid slave of you ;)

The sliders I had came with like soft fabric covers that went over the plastic slider for use on hardwood floors,etc...
I used them without scratching my new wood floors...
Alright, seems like others have had luck with the soft kind of sliders. I'll give that a shot and see how it goes. I'll just stick them right to the bottom of the plastic sliders since they will slightly spread the weight out. I just bought a bunch of the felt like sliders pads for all of my other furniture. My floors were in terrible conditions since I bought the house, but now that I'm doing the floors now I'm concerned about scratches. I'd hate to put as much work into the floors as I am only to scratch them up with furniture.
Put down a couple pieces of thin plywood or lauan over your floor and slide the tank (with the furniture slider pads) on top of it instead of the floor. Just make sure not to slide the lauan/plywood or it may scratch your floor also. If you really want to be safe, put a blanket or something between the plywood and the floor.
Felt sliders on polished floor, and take the water down and as much weight off as possible.