Moving tank


New member
So I have a 325 gallon glass tank getting transferred to ga from dc will moving companies transport my rank? I am under the impression that they won't.
Thanks Tony

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Most companies will transport an empty tank without a guaranty that it will be leak free after delivery.
Oh great . I am trying to get out of this final pcs lets see what they decide

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2 pcs's

2 pcs's

Mayflower moved me from Sill to Bragg and Bragg to Carson. Each time they built special crates for my tanks. 90 and 125 to Bragg and 2 90's to Carson. But that was in 2007 and 2010. Best of luck!
Mayflower moved me from Sill to Bragg and Bragg to Carson. Each time they built special crates for my tanks. 90 and 125 to Bragg and 2 90's to Carson. But that was in 2007 and 2010. Best of luck!
Thanks, I am still hoping not to have to go bt will see pretty soon

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