moving to florida

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7139752#post7139752 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by stevedola
hobster, I visited a few stores (Ocean Environments, Mikes&Boardroom)but nothing that dropped my jaw. I just figured I would be able to find some great stores and get florida ricordia cheap from this area, being that it is Florida-a bad assumption on my part.I think that ocean had a good selection but the prices didnt impress me. The only place ive been able to locate rics so far is at boardroom...and unless i want green the prices are just as high as back home if not higher! I do thank you for the link to this thread because it did give me a few places to look at while I was visiting. Ill be traveling around much of the time I have left and unless I can clear some time I wont be able to make any other shops. I would have like to get to Big ALs but its quiet the drive from here. Thanks again -

I wnet into Ocean environments the other day. I had not been there for a long time. It seems their main reef got destroyed by the hurricane and they are in the process of moving. It sure isn't the store it used to be. Their new place, however, should be great. I never heard of Big Als around here. (except the online store up North)
Went to Big Al's- in Tamarac-close to Ft. Lauderdale- you will NOT believe it. This store originated in Canada. Tamarac, Fla. is the only U.S. city they are in. Their water is crystal clear- it is immaculate- and I'm speaking here of numerous tanks -their choices are HUGE and phenomenal; choose between 25 Hippos, 7 Emperators, etc. ( I'ts not like pick between these two- the choices are endless!!) The stocking and choices of supplies are endless...The only negative comment is- the corals they have in their display tanks are very nice- but what they have for sale (and this could just be on this given day) are just average- I saw nothing to buy on this day. If you have any questions, e-mail me. I am not impressed by too many places!
wow sounds like it's worth visiting :D Kind of a far drive though, espically with gas prices, grrrrrr

Hey do you even have any frags or anything from your tank, that you might want to sell or trade?