Moving to Miami


Active member
Hey All,

Just wanted to say hello and let you know that I will be moving to Miami come April. I currently have a modest 30 gallon mixed reef with a 20 sump but depending on the house/ apartment I find I am planning on going hopefully much bigger post move.

That said, I may need some help and plenty of advice as I go through with this so I really look forward to meeting you guys and participating in the forums.

I guess the first thing I have to decide is whether I am going to move my tank down with me or just sell it here in atlanta and start from scratch in miami. I wouldn't mind selling it but it's my first reef tank and it has done so well that I have a serious emotional attachment to the corals and to one of my fish (a six line). Funny enough I actually bought most of them down in Miami and drove them up to Atlanta about two years ago. Now I may be taking them back...:rollface:

Anyway, like I said....looking forward to meeting you all.

Well we will welcome you here in Miami. I actually just moved my nano From Cheyenne,WY on a Military PCS. So i know what its like Lucky for you its not 2200Miles. I Moved my tank in a Styrofoam cooler, from Walmart, a heater and PowerHead. I got a cigarette lighter adapter and there you have it. people here are great as you will soon c
Hey and welcome to RC and the FMAS subforums!

We're here to help you out in any way we can (at least I'm happy to help!) and we also look forward to your new presence here.

If you start over, are you considering a newer, bigger tank, or similar size? If not considering a bigger tank, then I would just keep the same setup, but it never hurts to go larger :)
Hey Guys,

Thanks......yeah I am definitely planning on going bigger so long as the place I move into has the space for a bigger tank. I'm thinking the smallest I want to go is 120. I may even look at getting a custom built tank. I can work on the stand and canopy myself but it all comes down to space in the new place.....we'll see. havent picked a home out yet.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11724401#post11724401 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by milsaltnewbie07
Well we will welcome you here in Miami. I actually just moved my nano From Cheyenne,WY on a Military PCS. So i know what its like Lucky for you its not 2200Miles. I Moved my tank in a Styrofoam cooler, from Walmart, a heater and PowerHead. I got a cigarette lighter adapter and there you have it. people here are great as you will soon c

Wow.....2200 that doesnt make the 700 mile drive seem all that at its best.
lol yeah, I drive 450 miles home each way, from school and back, about once a month, so I can appriciate the drive. I do notice however that (at least for me with how long I drive for [6-7 hours]) the longer you drive, the less you notice how long it's taking, until you get closer, and start flipping out that you're closer, and remember how far you do have left to go, if that makes any sense at all... I wish I didn't know visually every exit between tallahassee and Boca :(
LOL.....yeah man I know exactly what you mean.....the closer you get the more antsy you get feel like your getting close but the last part of that drive feels like it takes longer than the first 3/4 of it. I cant imagine how much worse it'll feel with fish and corals in the back.
Oh, I've done the drive a number of times with fish and coral, and a tank, and all supplies, and the rest of my posessions, all in the back of my car lol. in the middle of winter, no heater, no bubbler, just the sloshing of the water mixing the air and water. No casualties ever though :)
nice...when I'm ready to go go for it...if I decide to move the tank...ill hit you up for some tips
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11726853#post11726853 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by brians4671
i dig 30 gallon tanks with refugiums do you have an overflow box?

yeah I have an overflow on it from Hurricane Filters. It has been great thus far but I did drill a hole into the u-tube to add an aqualifter pump to it to be safe.

I would have never made my own overflow....I wouldn't trust myself either. hah. I like DIY but not when i have to risk hardwood floor flooding.
i moved from chicago about 2.5 years ago...that was like a 25 hour drive! real fun!!! where in miami you moving to?
i drove my tank from arizona to pembroke pines while staying the night somewhere in between and staying a weekend in gainsvile before i made it down here. EVERYTHING lived. there was no heater or pump the whole way. of course there was an airstone for the weekend stay in gainsvile but they never left the tank that was inside my car being towed on a trailer with only about 3 gallons of water. :P im pretty sure you can make it down here.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11727856#post11727856 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by macawmagic
i moved from chicago about 2.5 years ago...that was like a 25 hour drive! real fun!!! where in miami you moving to?

Most likely I'll end up in the south miami are by Sunset place/ the falls.....the big question is will I end up in a house or in a long as there are LFS near by im golden....not that thats tough to find in miami.

---Chef sounds like a haul....pretty impressive. did you do that corals to though? I am more worried about the corals than the fish.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11727856#post11727856 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by macawmagic
i moved from chicago about 2.5 years ago...that was like a 25 hour drive! real fun!!! where in miami you moving to?

Most likely I'll end up in the south miami are by Sunset place/ the falls.....the big question is will I end up in a house or in a long as there are LFS near by im golden....not that thats tough to find in miami.

---Chef sounds like a haul....pretty impressive. did you do that corals to though? I am more worried about the corals than the fish.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11728516#post11728516 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Jgoal55
Most likely I'll end up in the south miami are by Sunset place/ the falls.....the big question is will I end up in a house or in a condo.....

Welcome to Miami!

Hit me up with a PM. I'm near the falls (near metro zoo) and can help you anytime. Check out the list at the top of the forum so you can get an idea of where the LFS are at.

If you just pick up one of those battery powered bubblers, you don't need the adapter. I'm still on the original set of (2) D batteries and I've used that thing on several occasions for hours.
Thanks Dj....I appreciate that....although you might regret offering that up cuz I might take you up on it. haha.

I actually am originally from Miami and I am moving back so I am real familiar with some of the areas and the stores...I know right by the falls there is Atlantis which last time I went looked liked they were having some problems but they also looked like they were bouncing back. There was also House of Fins which was nice as far as the fish went but not much coral...I'd have to say my favorite in the area is AquariumArt....the guy who runs it: Henry is a really nice guy. I'll definitely let you know when I make it down there...wont be till about April but looking forward to it.

Pedro....I used one of those things once and it crapped out on me...any rec on the brand? thanks.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11735947#post11735947 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Jgoal55
Thanks Dj....I appreciate that....although you might regret offering that up cuz I might take you up on it. haha.

No problem.

I actually am originally from Miami and I am moving back so I am real familiar with some of the areas and the stores...I know right by the falls there is Atlantis which last time I went looked liked they were having some problems but they also looked like they were bouncing back. There was also House of Fins which was nice as far as the fish went but not much coral...I'd have to say my favorite in the area is AquariumArt....the guy who runs it: Henry is a really nice guy. I'll definitely let you know when I make it down there...wont be till about April but looking forward to it.

Last time I checked Atlantis (about 3 weeks) they were in the process of moving to another location. They have turned into an Avaiary pet shop more than anything else. Don't know what happened there ??

House of Fins still there not too many fancy corals, but great people and really haven't been in Aquariumart lately (over 2 years).

I usually try to get most of my stuff from other reefers since it's usually in better shape and once in a while you get better deals than LFS.
