MP10 vs. 130 Gyre

Chicago Kopka

New member
Once again I'm torn between 2 worlds. Which would you use on a 60 cube and why.

1. My 60 cube is 1/2 inch glass. MP10 says up to 3/8 inch glass and I really don't want to spend $$ for MP40

Buuutttt then again.....

2. I have radion lights with a reef link already so, it would be pretty nice to control the pump with my phone.
they do make a model of the MP10 that is wireless and will work with reef link.

I personal would go with the MP40 as this has been around a long time and has been tried and true.

Gyre is still new it is still version 1, I have read a lot of people breaking them while trying to clean them.

I do not have experience with either pump but I am obtaining 2 MP40QD in the near future for my tank.
mp40s for sure, can get pretty good deals w the new ones out rt now, or 1 mp40quietdrive would work w rt placement, having radions and vortechs tied in w reeflink gives unmatched control that the others cant.
That's the other thing....would I need 2 MP40's?? Now we are at $700
compared to the gyre at $265. And yeah I agree I really want the controllability with the ecotech pumps it's just so damn expensive. It still blows my mind that these things are as expensive as they are.
1/2" is too thick for an mp10. I think 1 would be plenty as far as turnover goes, two would be better for random flow and not having to run the pump as high. I'd personally go with an mp40.
I measured the glass and it's more like 3/8 inch so it might work, but yeah I'd prob go with mp40 as well. Should of bought kcsnooks when I bought his reeflink!! Argh.
You sure your 60 is 1/2 in glass? A lot of people put mp10's on theirs. You'd end up needing 2 eventually. The new mp40QD puts out a ton of flow. It'll all depend on your rock work & what you'll stock.
If it's rimless it's probably 1/2'', if it has a top and bottom trim chances are it's 3/8", I cant imagine why they'd use 1/2" on a 24x24x24 rimmed tank.
I have a 75 rimless half inch glass and have had mp10 s for years the work fine I have a gyre also and I love it!
FYI- picked up an MP40 at FAOIS yesterday. The new QD one. This thing is a beast and definitely worth $60 more over the MP10. Now I understand why people spend that kind of money on a pump.
FYI- picked up an MP40 at FAOIS yesterday. The new QD one. This thing is a beast and definitely worth $60 more over the MP10. Now I understand why people spend that kind of money on a pump.

U will love it for a long time. When u r there again in about 6 months pick up a rebuild kit. It's like $20. It's nice to have just in case and stores r closed when u need it :)