Mp40 QD red o-ring on wetside


New member
The red o-ring on my mp40's wet side will no longer fit. Somehow it has stretched or something.... Anyone have any info on a replacement? I can't find anything on Ecotech's website and it doesn't look like many have had problems. Anyone know the size by chance, or if it can be purchased locally? Thanks

If you need any replacement parts, please contact our customer service department and have the serial number from your pump ready.
I have this issue with two of my wetsides. One of the o-rings popped out during cleaning and it is totally stretched out. I thought maybe it was an issue with the one, so I popped out the o-ring on my backup wetside to replace it. That one is also stretched out.

What is the deal with these o-rings on the MP40QD wetsides? Are they larger o-rings installed at the factory? They can't possibly be stretching out on their own.

I checked the Ecotech website and they don't even have an o-ring for an MP-40, only 10 and 60.

What's the trick to getting these o-rings reinserted?
please contact our customer service department and have the serial number from your pump ready.

In the automotive world, when we ran across this issue on a complex shaped o-ring gasket that stretched out, we would boil it in water. The idea is that some petroleum product would absorb into the rubber enough to make it not fit into its grove. Boiling it expanded the polymer enough to release the contaminates bringing them to the water surface and/or evaporated off. Although the best option is to replace it, some of those gaskets can be pretty expensive or hard to get. I've never taken off the orange o-rings from the MP's, you won't hurt anything by giving it a try.
In the automotive world, when we ran across this issue on a complex shaped o-ring gasket that stretched out, we would boil it in water. The idea is that some petroleum product would absorb into the rubber enough to make it not fit into its grove. Boiling it expanded the polymer enough to release the contaminates bringing them to the water surface and/or evaporated off. Although the best option is to replace it, some of those gaskets can be pretty expensive or hard to get. I've never taken off the orange o-rings from the MP's, you won't hurt anything by giving it a try.

That's a good idea. For now I just have them installed with a little loop sticking out. It doesn't seem to affect operation or sound volume, just doesn't look that great.
My MP40qd orings did the same thing I actually cut about 1/4" out to make them smaller so they would fit, seems to work.