Mr. Tangs 150 Display Tank with total water volume 300gallons

Hey Bro!!! It's about time you scrolled over this side of the forum!!!! Are we still on for tomorrow evening?????

Good to see you surfing!!
well looks like an surgeons table. Got all my plumbing supplies laid out and ready to mock up the plumbing for the 4 way.

The Kalk reactor is on the left and the Calcium reactor is on the right



Also check out the steel 1 1/2" tubular stand. That baby ain't going anywhere!!!


And than just a pic of the supply table and the tank in the background.. Can't wait to get started!!!



Look at you, fancy nancy w/ all that is coming along, cant wait to see it up and running.

just missing the most important thing now...water!
yea thanks King,,,, Tdukes is coming over this afternoon to drill some holes and the 4 way is here and the sump room still needs to be stripped out and redone. But everything does seem to be coming together!!!
Ok so I got the holes drilled and I had a wild hair to get started plumbing the 4 way and before I knew it,,,, it was done!!!!

check it out. 1 1/2" pipe to the 4 way and from the 4 way to the bulkheads
Tell me what you think






Got an update Mr Tang?

That anemone I got from you is not rockin out in my 40g, thanks again, stuck a pair of Clarkii's in there I picked up at TFR, about an hour later one found itself a home in the anemone.
Are you telling me the anemone is not doing good????


Well we moved the old tank out and moved the new one in place. Than I finished gluing up the 4-way and did a water test. luckily I had only one leak at the 2" to 1 1/2" reducer. Need to tighten it up more. The sump room has been stripped out and now in the process of drywalling the inside. As soon as that's done, I'll start making the sump. I'm going to use the old 120 AGA tank for the sump... The setup is going to be fairly simple.. One chamber for the skimmer and drain. One chamber for Live Rock. A couple of baffles for microbubbles. and than a small chamber for the return pump. The pump will be outside via a 1" bulkhead. Actually there will be two bulkheads. One for the return and one for the pump that will feed frag tanks and a 55 gal. refugium tank.
on page one of your build you show a divider put into a rubber maid for the fuge area. how is that bond holding up? is the divider acrylic? what did you use to seal/bond it to the rubbermaid

s ruppa No....The bond lasted about a week. I used 100% silicone. I think some of the problem started when the refugium filled up with water before the other side had any water in it.

Thanks for the kind words! I love this part of the hobby. Putitng these tanks together is the best part of this hobby!!!
Tank is looking awesome. I stopped by Mr..Tangs yesterday and things are coming along nicely. I was lucky enough to see the barracuda in action. This thing is a beast, even with the intakes throttled back.

Looking forward to the next update. Thanks again for all the advise.
Thanks seaheard for the nice words!

I got the RO tank and the sump moved in today and it looks good!!! I'll post some pics asap
some pics of the progress!!
The massive RO tank. A little overkill but who can argue with the price!!


The sump with the skimmer and bucket for the overflow water

and the bonus of the day I got a chance to mod my skimmer. It now is a recirc. skimmer!!!!!!

Ok some updates

Water and LR are in the tank... Thanks BIG TIME to The Fishroom for the LR!!!! We got one piece that weighs 40lbs!! Big ole ROCK!! And to top it off, it's eva tonga!!! Bad thing though,, pics really suck!! Need to learn how to take pictures with this camera.

Here is a good shot of the plumbing under the tank

And some pics of the sumproom




and for the skimmate fans!!!!


Thanks for the comments. The actual time spent on modifying the skimmer was about 15 minutes. Really simple. I think by the pics of the skimmate that the skimmer seems to be working good!! I have more concentration of foam. Well worth the time!

I did get a seal for the second hole on the body for the recirculation. but the hole drilled for the maxi was like one size under and the maxi fitted nice and tight. So I figured it would be OK. I'll keep my eyes on the fit but I really don't see any issues coming from that. I lucked out and found the rubber seal from LOWE'S. It's not exactly the same as the above one, but worked really good if you sized the bottom hole right.