multichip led light


Has anyone tried using a r g b multichip to make a led light?

Theoretically the red green and blue chanels could be driven at different strengths to create whatever color output you want.

If not is anyone using a single color multichip?

From my research this may be the way to go, supplimented with uv and actinic leds.
Matt has multichips, very nicely done I might add. Only thing is he is fish only. Not sure how the multichips do with coral and how to select an appropriate amount. Curious what others think......
Matt has multichips, very nicely done I might add. Only thing is he is fish only. Not sure how the multichips do with coral and how to select an appropriate amount. Curious what others think......

He is kind of correct. I do have multichips but its not just a fish only anymore.......and funny you ask about corals and the multichips right at this time.......I just started putting my corals back in this past weekend from my old DT.....

I have 3 250w fixtures with 5 chips in each 1 50w Actinic, 1 50w Royal Blue, 1 25w Green, 1 25w Red, and a 100w 20k in each so I doubt its going to be any issue lol......come see them or give me a call are a few pics of some of the softies just starting to open up a few min after being put in .....everything was put in late so its in the ramp down period with only the Actinics and Royal Blues on so its def got the blue look to it....

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt=" photo IMAG9564_zps5193bfa9.jpg"/></a>

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt=" photo IMAG9558_zps028a692d.jpg"/></a>

<embed width="600" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowFullscreen="true" allowNetworking="all" wmode="transparent" src="" flashvars="">
I believe what you are referring to is what's called the "dream chip". It requires a driver for each channel of LEDs. I don't know of anyone local with one.