multiple tangs in large tanks


New member
I'm building a 375 8 feet long 3 wide 28 tall tank and am working on my stock planning. My one question is in relation to tangs, obviously from the title. I currently have a powder brown that will be going into the tank and I'm wanting a Atlantic blue tang, they belong to the same species and so my question is, is this advisable? If anyone has had success please do say so, pictures would be great, notes on behavior toward each other aggression ect. If anyone has seen a tank with an atlantic blue and another tang of the same species please post a link, looking for as much solid positive references as I can.
I've never had a long term problem with multiples that were introduced together. They will settle dominance fairly quickly! You run into problems adding other tangs after the current inhabitants have established a territory(with tangs that means the whole tank). If you have a bully already, you might add a group of new tangs at once to spread the aggression around.
I have a powdered brown and a atlantic, I took the powdered brown out for a week and placed him in the sump and then reintroduced them together.
I have a vlamingii, a pacific blue, and 4 yellows in a 300 of the dimensions 8'*4'*15". Also have 4 clowns which is not advisable. All seams to go fine.

You will help break things up with your rock work design. Create areas or segments of open water divided by the rocks.
I have 11 tangs in my tank with no aggression. Ofcourse I stayed away from the big agresssors; clown and sohal.... I also have 6 angelfish, and plan on getting a conspic.

Naso Blonde Tang, Male
Vlamingi Tang
Dussumieri Tang
Sailfin (Desjardini) Tang
Powder Blue Tang
Achilles Tang
Yellow Tang
Purple Tang
Blue Hippo Tang
Orangeshoulder Tang
Flame Fin Tomini Tang

Goldflake Angelfish
Regal Angelfish
Blueline Angelfish
Chrysurus Angel
Flame Angelfish
Flameback Pygmy Angel- African
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11228229#post11228229 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by bstone
I have 11 tangs in my tank with no aggression. Ofcourse I stayed away from the big agresssors; clown and sohal.... I also have 6 angelfish, and plan on getting a conspic.

Naso Blonde Tang, Male
Vlamingi Tang
Dussumieri Tang
Sailfin (Desjardini) Tang
Powder Blue Tang
Achilles Tang
Yellow Tang
Purple Tang
Blue Hippo Tang
Orangeshoulder Tang
Flame Fin Tomini Tang

Goldflake Angelfish
Regal Angelfish
Blueline Angelfish
Chrysurus Angel
Flame Angelfish
Flameback Pygmy Angel- African

I afraid I'm going to ask for a pic. That just sounds too nice.
You can double click my little red house and it will take you to my build thread. I haven't posted new pictures in the past 3 to 4 months. Maybe with the holiday I can get some new pictures up.
Black Tang
Purple Tang
Yellow Tang (3)
Vlamingi Tang
Orange Shoulder Tang
Red Sea Sailfin Tang
Sailfin Tang
Blonde Naso
Blue Hippo (2)
this is my tang list and have no problems what so ever.
Achilles tang
Powder Blue tang
Purple tang
Bristletooth tang
Yellow tang

Used to have
Vlamingi Tang
Sailfin Tang
Blue Hippo Tang
...growth too big so replaced by Achilles & Powder Blue Tang

This thread makes me feel like I called a 900 number. All talk no pics.
I am new here but I have a powder blue, orange shoulder, sailfin, naso and a stripped puffer fish in a 125 gallon tank. I frequent this site so I can get ideas on a large system I am planning on buying or have built. I have no aggression with my tangs but there are all different families of tangs. I have multiple tanks and if I ever attempted to put my achilles tang with my powder blue they would kill each other. In my experience with tangs make sure they are different in size, shape and color and you should be fine but having a second tank in waiting would be a wise investment. In another 125 tank, I have a bristle tooth tang that has sliced up four different fish. Some were tangs others were not. I can only keep aggressive fish with him such as a trigger or wrasse. You never know how it will work out until you put a new fish in and see how they will react. Good luck.
in my aquarium i have:
Kole tang
Blue tang
Powder Brown

no issues my tank is only around 120 gallons and only 54" long. add them from least aggressive to most aggressive or all at once. I added the pbt last and he is still the boss.
i currently have 2 yellows ,an orange shoulder, a blue hippo, a tomini(flamefin), a clown tang and plan on adding a blonde naso an achilles a powder blue and possibly some others and i am sure that i am leaving at least 1 or 2 out that are already in there, so yes it is possible to have multiple tangs in the same system , just make sure that there is plenty of cruising room and make sure to keep them fed well and add two or more at a time to minimize aggression as they go into the system, and another trick i try to do is add them into the system when the lights are all off (sneak them in as i say) just i little trick i try to do as much as possible, dont know if it helps much but i think it kinda helps
We have 19 tangs in our 750gal reef including an Atlantic Blue. He likes to chase the Purple and the Orange shoulder.

2-Valimingi, XL
Bluespine unicorn
Atlantic blue
Orange shoulder