mushroom problems


New member
I have a 75 gallon reef with T-5 lighting 336 watts and I have been having problems with keep ing rics, mushrooms. They dont seem to grow or extend very much and they seem to just disapear. they get a bit goowy and then the next day they are gone. I hav put them on the bottom of my tank and in different hights and the same results. any ideas?
It sounds like too much light.
I orderd some from e tropicals one time and i orderd more than i had room for i guess because i had to put a few on the rockwork at first. the one closest to the light was a bi color orange and it stayed small the first day and was gooey the second. I put it on the sand for a month and it became a beautiful ric again. I burned it with light, your symptoms sound similar and t-5's aint no joke, thats comming from a MH user.
Ok i thought that maybe I would have to do with not enough light so I will have to put them in the shade. and see if it will help it open up better. Ill let you know the results tonight. I think if it is to much light it should help pretty quick if I put it in the shade. It has been on the sand so I ll hve to find a shady place on the sand.
I moved it into the shade and it looked a bit better but we will see. I dont understand it really. My brother in law has a tank lit with a 150 watt halide over a 29 gallon and his ric is doing awsome and it is fully expanded.
I think that people really under estimate T-5s.....I switched over to just T-5 54w Super actinics and started to bleach a few corals. These corals were under 2x110w Super actinics for months before that and never showed any signs of bleaching.....336w of T-5 is way more intense then 150 of MH.....You should see some progress with it over the next few days or weeks once it get re-acclimated to the lighting.
thanks I moved it into a shaded area and it has not explanded still but maybe it is acclimating still.
I had the same problem with my green ricordias and some orange ones. The greens have gotten pale and the oranges all actually picked up and left the rock they were on.

I have since put my tank on a timer to get the green back in the Florida rics.

I am running HO T-5s on my 65 gallon tank.