mushrooms detaching!!!??


New member
I have a problem with my mushrroms!! I have a couple of mushrooms that have detach from their rocks and i dont know why! Besides they dont want to open completely...:confused: I star to see this like 2 days ago!! Im soo stress right now cuz i dont want to lose them!!!:( i need help pleaseeee!!!
Its going to be hard to know whats going on with your shrooms without knowing your water parameters, how long you've had them etc. The best thing to do would be to find your particular species online and find out what they need to survive as far as lighting, temp, and other parameters go. Make sure you are meeting all those basic needs.

And a picture might help a ton!
Most likely they are unhappy with their placement and they tend to move and find another spot or your water parameters aren't good for them.
It's probably too bright. The mushrooms in my T5 illuminated cube have detached and moved as low as possible. R