Must stop reproduction


New member
Hello all. Many years ago when I set up my tank I wanted to start with the mushrooms because they were easier then jumping into the SPS right away as a beginner. Well now my blue shrooms are out of control and taking over my tank. I don't mind that they love the environment but I really want to get rid of them. Any suggestions. I have already removed a lot of them and took them to my LFS. I really hate killing anything so suggestions is what I am looking for.
Do you think you can post a pic of your tank? :) I think it's a good problem. Why don't you supply them to more shops.

I've had the purples get out of control right when I wanted to transition to sps. I took out all the rock, cut them off, then scrubbed where they were.... They came back! I had to do it again but in a 150g tank it was a pain so the next time I burnt where they were with acid and now I'm mushroom free.

I went a little extreme because I wanted to redo the rock anyway. If they truly are out of control and you want to get rid of all of them maybe you can cut them off and put a kalk paste over them
so here are a couple of pics. I don't post pics often so hopefully you can see my dilemma.

blue 01.jpg blue 02.jpg
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Aside from continuing to lop them off ,judging from the algae growth you have a pretty nutrient rich tank, getting the nutrients under control may atleast slow their regrowth.
Wow! They are reproducing quick... ^second that

If your nitrates are high your sps will benefit greatly by fixing that issue as well. Usually they lose color / turn brown. With the amount of shrooms on those rocks I'd switch out the rocks IF possible. That is probably just way too many to cut and cover with kalk paste.

Maybe cut them and burn the feet through the glass with a laser if you know someone with one... Just use eye protection and follow safety precautions.
I really hate killing anything

I don't think he wants to go the wand route.

A second that maybe a good thing would be to limit your nutrients first, from there you can formulate a "plan" of getting rid of them :) Keep us posted on your progress! :) Goodluck mate! :)
I have noticed the cleaner the water the less mushrooms produced. right now my tank is low nutrients and my shroom hardly grows, before in my 46 gal. my nitrates were in th 20-40ppm range and went from 2 shrooms to what you see in the pic and pretty much in the whole tank in about 8 months.

I'd be willing to pay for shipping one of those rocks up here to Wisconsin if you were willing and know how to do it properly... If you're looking to re-home them