My 110 Gallon Peninsula Reef Tank

Happy Thankgiving Sweet Ride Eh! My wife is Canadian! The tank is spectacular! Great Job! Viva la Canadian!
looks great, nice job!

Thanks reefinder!!!!!

How do you keep your sand so clean? No hermits?

lots of nassarius, a pair of clown fish and a couple of wrasse does the trick for me....

Love it....all these peninsula tanks is making me want one!!!!!!!!!!

thanks Stanley-Reefer!!!! just remember once you go peninsula you dont go back!!!! the only down side if there is any is instead of cleaning in my case 5ft viewing glass it's now a 10ft viewing glass that i have to clean.....

Happy Thankgiving Sweet Ride Eh! My wife is Canadian! The tank is spectacular! Great Job! Viva la Canadian!

thanks chefzif!!! oh and belated happy Canadian thanks giving to you and your wife as well.....
Can it be the bio pellets that giving those lovely colours? I must say you hace one beautiful tank. Everyone strives for the best colours and your tank has that. Ok and you doing it with just 2 x 250w metal halides.
How do you hide your powerheads? Are they all on one side of the tank?

they are not hidden at all, i wish i could make them disappear. i have 4 Korella evo 4 in the overflow side and 2 tunze 6045 and the return on the other side of the tank.

Beautiful reef tank and fantastic aquascaping!!:thumbsup:

thanks for the complement teo reef!!!

Can it be the bio pellets that giving those lovely colours? I must say you hace one beautiful tank. Everyone strives for the best colours and your tank has that. Ok and you doing it with just 2 x 250w metal halides.

thanks for the complement zaheda!!! i would have to say the bio pellets is just one part of it, balance and stable system is the key. as per the lighting I've added 2 T5HO actinics a few months ago, and on the same note I've also reduced the MH lighting time from 8 hours to 6 hours. and the actinics only run before and after the mh. I've also seen some color improvement after the change happened.
Jaw dropping! wow man, very inspiring stuff you have here.... not only for the way your system looks but also your camera work. I have 2 DSLR granted they are not top notch but in my hands they really are a waste! Cannon Rebel XTI and a Nikon 50D i cnat remember exact name but i can never ever get great pics like this. I do understand however that you have a nice macro lense, but my problme is focusing, and the colors... alway look washed out. I dont want to disturb your thread with my pictures but, anyways amazing buddy.... i will have to go back to your frist post to see a list of equpment :) also looks like i might want to go back and see if i need to start dosing a bit more as a lot of my corals are starting to get the size of yours!!!

Thanks for sharing made the day in the office calmer for me! :)
love this coral,it a Shag Carpet stag?
Very beautiful job on the tank and the photos.

Thanks for the compliments reef smac!!!

love this coral,it a Shag Carpet stag?

sorry am really bad ID-ing corals.... it seems that way though.... but when i picked up the coral it was suppose to be really light, almost whitish....


Thanks for the compliments Mike De Leon!!!!

looks awesome :thumbsup:

Thanks for the compliments sps aquaria!!!!

very very nice....big props.

Thanks for the compliments dvanacker!!! much appreciated!!!
Jaw dropping! wow man, very inspiring stuff you have here.... not only for the way your system looks but also your camera work. I have 2 DSLR granted they are not top notch but in my hands they really are a waste! Cannon Rebel XTI and a Nikon 50D i cnat remember exact name but i can never ever get great pics like this. I do understand however that you have a nice macro lense, but my problme is focusing, and the colors... alway look washed out. I dont want to disturb your thread with my pictures but, anyways amazing buddy.... i will have to go back to your frist post to see a list of equpment :) also looks like i might want to go back and see if i need to start dosing a bit more as a lot of my corals are starting to get the size of yours!!!

Thanks for sharing made the day in the office calmer for me! :)

Thanks for the compliments PurpleMonster!!!!

as per the pictures in the first page, yes a macro lense was use in the close up shots, as per the top down shots of the corals on the second page a standard lense was used, as you can see it's almost comparable. if your pictures looked washed out, i recommend trying to under expose your shots. and if you have problem with focusing try setting your ISO at about 400 to 800, a tripod goes a long way also.
Would love to see how you have your returns set-up, I am planing a peninsula tank myself and had not thought of this option to get more flow to the other side of the tank.