I appreciate the infoI will try taking some pics again, and turn off my pumps this time haha.
great layout!
Awesome looking tank!!!
Would love to see how you have your returns set-up, I am planing a peninsula tank myself and had not thought of this option to get more flow to the other side of the tank.
very nice photos! Can I ask what you use to take such good and sharp picture?
¬a few more....
"ID Me Please"
Great looking tank love the aquascape +1:thumbsup: also some of the best taken pics i seen thus far cant wait to get my camera!!!:fun4:
Great pics. Interesting Digi with green tips...First to see that one IME. Keep up the good work and good luck with the ID on the corals![]()
Breathtaking photos. Give us more.
Keep up the good work!
Kind regards
Are you a pro photographer, those pics are just unbelievable?
This shot is very very nice. :thumbsup:
This shot is very very nice. :thumbsup:
Amazing tank, Would love to see in person. And you live down the street from me![]()
Not too far from me either, any frags let no know.
I agree...that macro is so crisp. amazing shot.
Awesome pictures, corals, & aquascaping!!!
Absolutely gorgeous. I only hope for the for your results. Very inspiring....