My 125, enjoy


New member
Since there's no section for regular size reefs, i figured this would qualify for a large reef. Attached are some pictures of the tank as of yesterday. The history has been rocky. Its been set up as a reef for about 14 months. Someone got me a gift fish right before i went away on vacation last christmas so i didn't have the time to quarantine it and said what the hell i might as well put it in the tank. Long behold my year long battle with ich and brooklynella began. After numerous stages of quarantine's and leaving the tank fallow for 4, 6, and 8 week periods, including hypo salinity nothing worked. 8 weeks ago i took all the fish and coral out and started from scratch. Washed all the rock with steaming hot fresh water and left them out to dry for 2 days. Drained the tank down 95% and filled it with freshwater. Then i added the salt and brought the salinity up. So far so good. She lives life now as a mixed reef with three Acan 600 series LED's.










Looks like a great restart. Funny how "free" always cost us more that it would if we would have went out and purchased it ourselves.
Wow nice 125. What Vortechs are you using? I'm trying to decide if I should get 2 MP40s or 1 MP60 for my 125. I'm leaning towards 2 MP40s for redundancy and I keep thinking its better to have flow coming from 2 different directions than one.