My 125 Reef Tank, 240g System


New member
Here is my 125 gallon Reef Tank. 125g/75g fuge/40 sump=240g system. It's been setup for roughly 6 months. All the fish and corals are doing great. I feed them a mixture of rods/mysis/nori n seem to love it! As far as specs; I'm running x3 175W 14k Phoenix MH on Hamilton Ballast, x2 modded MJs + 2 Hydor Koralia 4s, Little Giant 1300gph return, Super Reef Octopus XP 3000 skimmer, 250lbs LR, 75g Fuge w/ Chaeto n 6in dsb, , n x2 150W Jager heaters. Livestock include: Naso Tang, Purple Tang, Yellow Tang, Blue Hippo Tang, Copperband Butterfly, Niger Trigger, Melanarus Wrasse, Yellow Fin Wrasse, Cleaner Wrasse, Midas Blenny, x5 Blue/Green Chromis, 3 Red Sea Anthias, Green Spotted Mandarin, Psychedelic Mandarin, x3 Bangaii Cardinals, Perc Clown, n Ocellaris Clown. Inverts: Rose Bubble Nem, Green Bubble Nem, Long Spine Urchin, x2 Serpent Stars, Sally Light Foot Crab, Porcelin Crab, Nassarius/Astrea/Stomella Snails, x2 Cleaner Shrimp, x2 Fire Blood Shrimp. Let me know what u guys think! :thumbsup:









Awsome Tank!!! that is a lot of fish in there and I think that is great. That is the kind of tank I want in my house. I have a 100 gallon, not set-up yet but I want something like that as far as fish. Any advice on that?
Those picture's are very nice, did you see the post probably half way through? I am assuming you missed it from adding pictures but thank you for is inspiring.
Thanks man! gpkozmp I'd advise heavy skimming, the Super Reef Octopus Xp 3000 "Cone" skimmer has served me well n frequent WC at least 10-20% every 2wks.

U'll also want a natural way of exporting nutrient out of the water n a Refugium w/ Chaeto would be excellent.

The key to saltwater is to feed variety, there are so many different type of foods in the ocean such as Plankton, Rotifers, Cyclops, Mysis, the list goes on. The majority of these foods can be found in Rods food n I'm a true believer. I feed Rods, PE Mysis, n Nori Sheets; fish luv it!

If ur looking to add a lot of fish then it would be wise to add the fish slow, a few at a time to allow the bacteria in the system to stabilize.

GoOd LuCk!!

That is my build thread on here at least, I am going to go on there today and see if there are any updates. I will be writing on there today of an issue I am having, and I would rather not highjack your thread.

As for my skimmer I have purchased an MRC-MR2 with an extra injector so I am capable of skimming up to 500 gallons so I should be able to pull some good stuff.
nice tank i love tanks with lots of fish when lots of ppl said it cant be done wonder wat would ppl say if a tank tats 90 gallon have 5 tangs in there
Pretty Nice Thank man, Your fishes look in really good condition. I am not to sure about the Clam's situation they did not look in top condition, just an observation.

It would be nice if you posted some pictures of the sump and refugium and stuff as well.

Btw I did not spot your shrimps are they still in their and doing well?????
Pretty Nice Thank man, Your fishes look in really good condition. I am not to sure about the Clam's situation they did not look in top condition, just an observation.

It would be nice if you posted some pictures of the sump and refugium and stuff as well.

Btw I did not spot your shrimps are they still in their and doing well?????

Thanks, Vipul. The clams actually look a lot better than when I got them. I purchased them over the internet and came in duller in color. Since then they have colored up really nice. These are squamossa clams and not derasa clams, not to confuse them. Squamossa's actually aren't nearly as bright, but still nice hardy clams. I'll post some pics of my new derasa clams and man do they got some intense coloration!

The shrimps usually kick back under the rocks. They come out ever now and then, jump on the fish, and pick off parasites. Very neat to watch!
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How's your tank coming along?

Sorry haven't checked your thread in a while but my 100gallon is not even setup yet I have pretty much everythig need for it. I bought a 55 gallon for a sump but I have to put baffles in and then the plumbing and I will pretty much be set to rock and roll. Hopefully my honey do list doesn't blow up over the next month. Depending on the weather I have to finish the fence, then add laminate floors to my house and then I get to put up the tank. We got the painting out of the way, at least where the tank is at so that is all I really care about right now.

Like I said hopefully by the end of October I will be able to set up the 100 gallon tank and pull the 40 gallon down that I have now justso I can keep my live rock and stuff going. A friend gave me some coral so that was cool and now I have things actually going on in there. I don't think I have any of the new stuff posted in here.

I am going to be going to california for military, so I will be gone all month so I will get to see if the wife can hold up.