So Peter and I spent some time adding blue mesh (I forget the exact name but it's now being sold on BRS) to the sump area, in particular between some weirs and surrounding the hammerhead return inlet, in an attempt to reduce micro bubbles in the display. It was successful in the sense that we probably reduced the visible amount by more than half, but we both think the large amount of flow via the drains/returns, along with the two waveline DC12000 closed loops, needs to valved back a bit. Adding more blue mesh to the external overflow and possibly raising the water level in the overflow (to avoid the now 6+ inch drop) will help...we'll see.
On the parameters front, I added another 0.5L of Rowaphos to the reactor and am hoping that (2L total) will be what brings my phosphates down to non-detectable. I've added more of the corals I had in the previous system, to include some that had been hurting in my previous system and with the tank transition. I'll post some pics of those corals tomorrow. Calcium is steady at 450, and magnesium was a bit low at 1190. I dosed another 200ml of alkalinity as I've been dosing and testing to see how to best program the doser. On Thursday it was at 7.3, at which time I dosed 300ml. Two days passed and it was at 8.2. I will test tomorrow to see what the 200ml I added today did, and begin dialing it in for a daily dose soon. My goal is to keep it consistently at 9-10dkh.
Now, back to organizing the fish room...More pics to come!