My 1300 gallon addiction: A Miami reef build story.

dade county uses chloramime...your ro/di does not appear to filter chloramime, the 2 stage should be catalytic carbon.
Thanks for the information.

I have looked into sea swirls for the 2 far returns and might end up going in that direction eventually.

I agree that the reactor is more like a simple surface area reactor in a way mimicking a few hundred extra pounds of live rock, although I would presume a more efficient system. I have used a sulphur reactor for my precious tank and it worked great, I just didn't want one the size I would need for this tank. I hope a solid and consistent water change schedule (5-7 gallons per day) along with the skimmer and media reactor, a refugium with more live rock and algae, my nitrates shouldnt get too out of control.

I'm not familiar lanthanum chloride...what would be recommended?
Maybe I'm mistaken but I thought the BRS 6 stage universal filtered chlorimines as well...I specifically set out to treat them.
As many have said, this is an awesome build. Congratulations on the new house and an incredible setup. Look forward to seeing it in person and even emulating some of it if I ever get to an upgrade...
Maybe I'm mistaken but I thought the BRS 6 stage universal filtered chlorimines as well...I specifically set out to treat them.

i have the 6 stage also...but the chlorimime stage is catalytic carbon you have two Chlorplus 10 filters.

from the lable: "Bulk Reef Supply recommends using catalytic carbon with a chlorPlus carbon block for the most effective removal of chloramine"

not to important but you will burn through your di stage very quickly, i think. i going to call BRS as i just received new filters.
i have the 6 stage also...but the chlorimime stage is catalytic carbon you have two Chlorplus 10 filters.

from the lable: "Bulk Reef Supply recommends using catalytic carbon with a chlorPlus carbon block for the most effective removal of chloramine"

not to important but you will burn through your di stage very quickly, i think. i going to call BRS as i just received new filters.

I imagine you're right on the money, as I did in fact notice that my DI resin was being depleted at a pretty quick pace...surprisingly so. I'm going to call BRS and get the catalytic carbon filter. THANKS for the observation.
Since I know all your gear already. I'll ask about the fish.. When are you going be adding the coral and fish? I want to see your tank like hat 20k Gl tank in Long Island.
This would be a PERFECT scenario to set up some kind of Lanthanum reactor/system, at least initially. You have the room, and it is MUCH MUCH MUCH cheaper than using GFO.
I've started doing a bit of research on the Lanthanum, but what would you recommend would be the BEST/IDEAL way to implement it?
So I tested the tank yesterday, having added another 500ml of Rowaphos to the reactor in an attempt to bring that 0.25 phosphate reading down from a few days ago, and the water now reads 0.1. Nitrates are approximately 20-25ppm

I'm pleased at the improvement but would definitely entertain a more cost effective long term solution than running 1.5-2L of GFO every 60 days or so. Maybe the Lanthanum chloride is the answer... Right now the livestock in the tank is comprised of 3 blue chromis, a smaller yellow tang, and a pink spot goby...aside from approximately 100 snails and 50 hermits (CUC). I'm hoping this phosphate issue is more related to the immaturity of the system than anything else, as I plan to stock it with several dozen fish eventually.
I have read a couple post on the observations of some of us referring to nitrate factories. If someone could explain why this is a nitrate factory .... As apposed to live rock not being a nitrate factory . I understand that within the rock nitrate get consumed , in low oxygen environment, this is not my question .... But what is ,...if I look at the denitrification cycle logically only as much ammonia will be processed into nitrite as is available in the aquarium , and then to nitrate. So logically one would assume it's a benifit to have a "nitrate factory" as by default you will have no ammonia or nitrite or far less, and or that ammonia and nitrite is being processed into nitrate much quicker and more effectively than live rock... And subsiquintly processed into nitrate and then one would remove by carbon dosing or other means. In the end nitrate is = to the available ammonia available in the aquarium and is constant if you have a nitrate factory or not ...?Or have I missed something? Please don't shoot me down if I missed something I have an 800 gallon aquarium and been keeping sps successfully for +7 years. It's just a question or observation I have been pondering for a couple years while Watching my sps grow.... And I kinda like the reactor installed on this thread, as I have large bio load 41 fish including some large Angels , was thinking to buy one myself ....
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