My 180


New member
This is it, still in the shop, the shovel is for comparison.

I built the stand out of salvaged wood from construction sites, I wanted to see how the contrast between crushed coral and the Tahitian moon would look. I did'nt like it much

I built this sump out of 1/4" cast acrylic, it measures 61"long by 14" front to back by 15" tall. I have the fuge taking up about 35 gallons of a 60 gallon sump. A couple of baffles in it, and my budget nautilus skimmer. Any one ever use them?

This is the first time I figured out how to finally post pics. I'm pumped! more to come.
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Starting to fill it, I'm still filling it! Premixing ro/di and salt in a 20 gal tub. I only get 24 GPD from my ro unit so I'll do what I need to do with the sump today, rout it tomorrow, and by the weekend I'll be able to get it up and running


Just another shot of it filling up, I mixed in about 40 lbs. of aragalive with the Tahitian moon to lighten it up a little. Keep the heaters in the tank right now just to bring water up to temp.


I plan on making a run down to Minneapolis next monday to get about 200 lbs of marshall island rock to toss in here and start cycling this beast. Waiting for hqi pendants too.
I'm going to skin out the stand with some solid oak doors inlaid with some banded jasper hematite that has been polished and sliced into 1/2" x 1/4" thick pieces, and match it on the canopy. I'm going to post some pics when I get that project started, probably next week.

I also salvaged the lumber for the stand because I thought that recycling it for something functional and cool would be much better than having it go to a landfill. Just my take on it.