My 1st Ric's Photos and Hitchhiker concerns


New member
The LFS had just gotten them in and I snatched up a few!

I don't have a dip but wanted to see if anyone could ID the hardened brown spot on this rock. Anything I should be concerned about?

You can see the brown thing in question below the 3 ric's no the LR they are attached to. Its brown kind of pointy and has two black holes. Its very hard and has white strands coming from it. The photos aren't the best I know.


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Yeah I agree, there are some small feather duster looking things poking out of the LR so I'm happy about that. How do I get these rics to move onto the rock below? I'm concerned they will attach to both the rock they are on and the one below. i won't be able to move the rock later.
One of mine recently started moving from the frag to a piece of LR . I was lucky it had two mouths and sliced it in two right between the mouths.It was my first attempt to frag a ric. It was a complete success.
I used to just place my rics on a rock and hope they attach but now I usually attach the rubble or plug to a larger rock permanantly with marine putty.