My 20 gallon soft coral tank!


New member
This is my 20 gallon soft coral tank!
20 gallon A.G.A.
hang-on bio filter with bio fibers
45w CFL
24w spiral CFL
blue t4 8w
orca skimmer
haiyang powerhead for circulation
here it is


this is how it looks when only the t4 is lighted,hehe


this is my coral banded shrimp while wandering.

this are my mushrooms


my fishes

pls. comment!!is the light enough?because i'm also planning to add a t5,and does the corals look fine?and pls. identify the coral in the left part,Because i have no idea what it is,:D ,i only know that it is a soft coral,btw is it a leather?tnx in advance
Good question, I haven't been to the Philippines since 93 and I know there are over a thousand islands there. There has got to be cheap corals sold there.
fsirvillon-Quezon City
pdwife-i got that big leather coral,for only $2,the mushrooms $.50 per rock.
These are the prices for the regular corals that you'll see in the petshops here

Hammer= $1
bubbletip anemone=$5
Elegance coral=$.80
Bubble coral=$.80
Orange sponge=$.80
fan worm=$.20
Brain coral=$.80

Adult imperator angel(10")=$10
black tip shark=$ 20


by the way,do you guys think that the wattage of my lights are already sufficient?or should i add some more?
wow thats cheap ... what kelvin is the 45w and 24w if there 10k or under I would say your lighting is sufficient for soft corals.
those are awesome prices. good to know that if i decide to go home to retire that i can continue the hobby and not miss a meal :) looks like you're doing fine with your tank.
how many fish are in there? I only see 3

Its such a small tank I would just pull out all the fish and treat them in a 10 gallon tank. Why cant you dose medication?
it's very hard to catch them,because I have so many live rock,so I don't think i can catch them,but if remove all of my live rock,I think i can catch them,but won't my system crash?and it will make the aquarium very cloudy,and my corals might die.are there other ways of catching them?without disturbing the set-up?btw we don't have reef-safe medications here.
i would leave them alone. add garlic to their food. do 10% water changes weekly. you need to lessen their stress so they're immune system would ward of the parasite. you can do this by improving water quality and kkeping your fish well fed. make sure there is no fish in the tank harrasing other fish as this causes stress too. my fish had ick when i switched tanks and this is what i did. no meds, just water changes and kept them well fed. ick was gone in a week. hth