I've had the Kenya for about 12-14 months and the Umbrellas for maybe 18 months... I can't belive how many corals I had in the 125 and how they had grown, found a bunch of stuff that I thought was gone but was just out of view.
OMG....What a royal pain this has been, not really complicated or anything, but just messy and lots of work....can't really hire a moving company or anything, or I would have )))
The first wave of buckets have been moved and ready for adding to the tank, this move consisted of all the major corals and LR that had no live organisms attached, as I had to create the base for the aquascaping. There were a total of 8 five gallon buckets and 2 large coolers that had the corals in zip lock bags. I also had a 80g pool setup to empty buckets as I want to sift thru all the stuff for snails, critters etc that I want to keep.
This was a major operation as I had to aquascape and move at the same time so I spent most of yesterday looking at all the LR to figure out how I wanted things arranged, for the most part it went off fairly easy as I just placed the LR where I thought I wanted it and then started placing corals
I worked from right to left and now have 1 more trip for the other LR to complete the left hand side of the tank, nice things is that the corals that were just placed have already opened , only thing that sux is my frogspawn broke into 3 pieces, it was about the size of a basketball bw
Here is the first truckload of buckets
This is the tank with a pile of LR in the L corner that I have to arrange and then place the corals
This is a pic after the aquascaping and now I have to make 1 more trip to get the other LR to finish the L side of aquascaping and pick up a few things that may be floating or roaming around the tank, I know there are tons of misc zoa's, still have to get the fish and the lights. (lighting fromthis tank is the lights for the new tank)