Figured it was time for an update, life's been really crazy so the tank was kinda on hold for a while, kinda cool to setup a new tank like this and not have a cycle....LOL
Removed about 100lbs of LR, I'll replace it with 50lbs of really nice tonga branch thats on it's way, will take a few weeks to cure. Remember that this is a LPS/Zoa/softie tank so the aquascaping is a little different. I plan on fragging all my zoa's onto the tonga branch, then LPS and softies in the rockwork.
I actually removed all the LR and started over as I realized that I forgot to place the maxijets and Koralias behind the LR. There are a total of 4 hidden powerheads that are mounted at the bottom of the tank, some aimed up, some aimed thru and 2 that are aimed sideways, this ensures that there is very little detritus buildup, plus there's tons of space behind the LR.
I thought I was going to lose one of my crocea's as his entire foot was ripped off in a freak accident, but he's now fully opened and looks like I can see a new foot creaping it's way into the LR
Ended up fragging my monster Kenya into 2 huge frags, if you can call them frags @ 14" across, they look so freakin tiny in the photos
I'm not done with the aquascaping and figure it will take a few more weeks of looking at the tank and getting ideas on how I want the final aquascaping to look like
Full tank shot, sorry it's a little cloudy, was mucking around in the fuge.