Well, the tanks on the stand in the house! Biggest catastrophe of the day was we ran out of beer afterwards . More help than anticipated showed up. It helps when it's perfomance appraisal time at work and you're the boss.
I had concerns over laying the tank on it's back on furniture dollies to roll through the door, so I called A.G.E. this morning and was told it won't be a problem. Edward's 72x40 rimless was done that way. Even with that, I minimized the time spent on the furniture dollies. That was the best $22 I have ever spent . Those 2 little beauties worked like a charm. Rolled right over the threshold and we were home. Didn't have to carry that 580lb beast a single foot. Rolled it in, put it back on it's bottom on the dollies, and up she went. With 7 guys it was a breeze. The only way to move a big tank!
Seems as if all the God's smiled on me today, nothing got broke, chipped, scratched, herniated or pulled. Even the plumbing God's smiled on me for a change, as I got a bit of that done too. All of the holes lined up for the CL bulkheads and I had 1/4" to spare between the wall and the overflow. One lesson learned however; Don't try to make the bulkhead holes as small as possible. I used a 3 3/4" hole saw for the 1" and 4 1/2" for the 1 1/2". There wasn't enough room to get the channel lock pliers on the nuts to tighten them the requisite 1/2-1 turn after hand tight. I sacrificed an old 16" set the the bench grinder and now have a custom bulkhead wrench. The Hayward bulkheads are the only way to go guys, especially for closed loop applications. High quality pieces.
On to the pics.
It's hard to get the scale/size of the tank in pictures, but anyone that's seen a BK skimmer knows how big they are. The collection cup on my 300 Internal is as big around as a 5 gallon bucket and nearly 1/2 as tall. I'll get a better pic tomorrow with something else to better show the scale.
Aaah, it fits!
Start of the return plumbing. This 1 1/2" line comes from the garage where my Sequence 3200 resides. Initially to be fed through an OM 4 way, but I gave the wrong dimensions for the holes in the bracing, so I'll split it into 4- 3/4" lines that are full open continuously, or something along those lines. I could enlarge the holes since the bracing is acrylic, but they're just so pretty and polished, I hate to.
Starting to plumb the CL return lines. I have to yet move the CaRx into the garage and feed it from the chiller/frag tank line to make room for the Dart under the stand. I thought about putting the Dart in the garage and leaving the CaRx where it is, but I want to optimize flow in the CL.
More to come.