My 264 gallon A.G.E. rebuild

Thanks E, I'm hoping to be able to get that done over my 2 days off, assuming the OM bits show up. I think I'm going to try a spray bar of sorts on one of the returns and have it flow from back to front across the bottom. Already having problems with "stuff" settling under the few pieces of rock in the tank even with 2 6100 Toon Zah's and CL running. Might have to upgrade to the 6201's since you seem to be so impressed with them. The Vortechs would be a better fit and the battery back up is a nice bonus as well, but then again, I looove my Tunzes.
Marshall, i am VERY impressed with the 6201's. I just ordered another one. The 6101 has a great stream, but the 6201 has the wide power. If I would of known, i would of shipped the 6201 to your door so you can try it out and then you could of sent it to me. I really do feel it's like 2 Vortech's but with a stronger push across the tank. The 6101 with the 6201 shroud change feels like 1 Vortech. My 6201 coming across the tank would overpower the 1 6101 with this mod since it has such a stronger push.
Well, not exactly what I had envisioned, but close. I think I can live with it, I managed to achieve the objective of hiding all the CL parts and mostly hide the 2 Tunzes, so for that, I'm a happy camper. The structure isn't as open as I had hoped, but the pvc bottom is pretty slick and I was more concerned with getting it stable. I planned on BB, but the boss (aka Wife) vetoed that and now to get some aragonite for the bottom. But I'm in no hurry as the rock is shedding quite a bit and currently it all blows to the front and is easily removed.

On to the pics. I put in a set of 4 month old 10k Reeflux bulbs and don't mind them so much with the starphire glass and extra VHO tube.

In this FTS, the color is off, just couldn't get it balanced. Time to invest in a 16% gray card I guess.

End view

I noticed some color returning to the PokerStar monti already

And the frag trays in the front corner of the tank

As soon as I get the approval from the Boss on the rock structure, I can start placing corals. I still have to figure out where the T. deresa is going to go, but I've got a plan.

who's the boss edward or the significant other? I'm just not sure who the "BOSS" of aquascaping is on reef central!
skey44, the Significant Other :love1: is the boss. I am nothing more than Edward's Danielson, for he is my Mr. Miyagi :lol2:

Thanks Gary, I plan on lot's of fish this time around so open swimming area is a must. The structure isn't as open at the bottom as I'd hoped for, but stability of the reef is important as well.

Hey Marshal any updates how's the tank looking so far? Have you closed down your holding tub and transfered all of your livestock as of yet?
Thought it time for an update. Things are coming together, coloration is improving and growth is starting up again. I'll start off backwards from the normal trend. FTS first :D

Some are reposts from other threads.


A. cerealis

A. echinata (Aquascenes)

A. echinata (Bennett's)

A. echinata (FragFarmers Dual Blue)

Rainbow granulosa (maybe A. rosaria)

A. lokani (20k)
ORA Marshall Island green and purple

A. turaki

S. calendria (Ponape torch)

ORA german green with blue polyps

A. microclades
A. nasuta (Atlantis Raspberry Lemonade)

A. granulosa (on the comeback)

from this

A. exquisita (also on the comeback)

from this

A. gemmiferra (I can do green too!)
And lastly, a few of the inhabitants in their new home.

A. blochi


E. navarchus

C. kleini

A. leptacanthus (glass or threadfin cardinal)

Z. flavescens

And a few of the blue/green reef chromis in the still browned out A. loripes

Thanks for looking and sticking with me.
yeah, nice pics. That clam is sweet. My ORA German is just about neon green so you will still see some improvement there. Very nice corals!
Great looking Marshal, the colors you get as always awesome. Nice selection of fish I dig the E. navarchus.
Very nice update. The shot with the chromis is really cool.

I love the bennett echinata. Please keep me in mind when you break off a branch ;)
One of the local maintenance service techs called me the other day and told me about some Alk and Calcium post filters for RO he's been trying. They're designed for drinking water systems to buffer the product water and restore the ph above the neutral point. He claims his animals are "really stoked" after a water change it is doing "wonders" for his personal tank. I don't know how much stock to put in this as his water change method is to take 30 gallons from his 300 gallon system, let his top off reservoir refill in a few minutes and then add 11 cups of salt, then test s.g. I haven't been able to find much information about these via Google, but they certainly have my interest piqued.

I cannot find these filters either.

Hahaha...I think I'll start calling Rob the maintenance service tech, too.

Nice tank.
Careefer, those close up acro shots are like some sort of crazy candy store and I am a hungry sugar lovin' five year old!
I am very jealous!
I was also wondering if you know what type of glue AGE uses to bond the acrylic brace to the glass like that- I want to the same thing to my future tank.
Love those macro acros!