Thank you for all the compliments. All of you contributing to this forum have been directing me to advance my knowledge and inspiring me to take my hobby to another level.
My tank is basically a bare-bottom tank and that has been running for a year and half years. I decided to move into a new house two years ago and I anticipated a larger tank to fulfill my passion for this hobby. I transferred all the corals from a 90g holding tank after the move and combined my fish only tank into this 320g tank. Prior to my setup, I have been doing intensive research on this forum. I found that a BB tank was the way to go. At that time, I didn't notice any BB tanks with a lot of fish. To satisfy my obsession for sps and fish, I decided to try and create a unique BB setup that incorporates both. So far, I am very satisfied with this tank.
kev apsley, lotus02, stevedola, hawaiianwargod, hatfielj, CeeGee, Tyler.L, Purple Haze, Serioussnaps, DrBDC, Sara B, Bax and WangoTANGo -
Thanks so much again.
lvreefer,Orochimaru, gasman059 ,dvanacker, CSS Reef, dphinsx2, Brewen -
Here's a basic outline of my current setup:
320 gallon Acrylic Display Tank: 72" x 32" x 32" (bare-bottom Tank)
180 gallon Sump
30 gallon frag/quarantine tank
3 x 400W MH 10K XM bulbs in Luminarc III reflectors on eballasts,
2 x 54W T5HO ATI blue +
Deltec 1003 Protein Skimmer
Deltec PF601 Calcium Reactor
Deltec KM500S Kalkwasser Stirrer
Deltec FR509 Fluidized Reactor
2 x Tunze 6100 and Wavebox
Closed loop by Sequence Darts pump / 2 x Seaswirls
Gen-X PCX-55HP Return pump / 2 x preductors
My weekly maintenance routine is mainly composed of a ~40 gallon water change, and cleaning up my sump and overflow box.
Marko9 and Julio - Thanks and I will post a FTS soon.
corndogg - No, I don't run ZEO. My tank is just a bare-bottom setup.
ricks, vidrine7322 - The Deltec PF601 is doing a pretty good job at keeping my Cal and Alk steady. In addition, as the demand for Cal and Alk increases with my coral growth I add the appropriate amount of alk powder and turbo calcium. The Deltec PF601 does the rest .
I don't have any problems with angels nipping. From my observation, they do nip at the corals occasionally but they hardly do any damage. Also, I make sure all my fish are well fed and overweight!
I have over 40+ fish in my tank. I will post a full list of fish soon (I really should have kept a record¡K.)
Sheol, GSMguy, JRaquatics,pdfb55 and rharr21 - Becoming one of the "TOTM" tanks has been my dream since day one. However, with all the very nice tanks here, I really doubt my tank will become a TOTM anytime soon. If I am luckily enough to become TOTM, it is only possible through all the knowledge I have learned from RC members.
jkhchris - Thanks. Sorry for the delay in posting some pictures of my tank. It has been a busy summer.
250G - Your tank is truly inspiring, I love the diversity of your corals' colors. I do have a fish room. I will post a picture of it soon.
cham - I will definitely do my best to post more pictures if my time permits.
Hatfielj My light setup is:
3 x 400W MH 10K XM bulbs in Luminarc III reflectors on eballasts,
2 x 54W T5HO ATI blue +
Sorry for the late reply. I just got off work. Thanks so much again. I will try to put up more pictures soon.