My 320g SPS & Fish Collection

FastFish, do you have a picture showing your initial aquascape?
I would love to see how it was before!

Thank you!
I haven't commented on a tank in a long time.

What's unique about your setup is your thought and consideration to proper placement and spacing of your SPS. This is truly not a tank with walls of LR and colonies dropped in. You can clearly see the growth, and you can see the tank naturally forming into a reef.

I can't say enough how impressed I am with the placement so that the corals are growing out and up so it really looks as if we are looking at the surface of an amazing reef shelf.

Your variety of fish is truly fantastic- alot of the fish I dream of if I ever had a larger setup.

Another thing that is truly truly unique is the coloration and health of your SPS. The colors look so true to the specimens.



Thanks for sharing your awesome system. I've been inactive on forums for a long time and I stumbled across your thread, and it's now been added to my inspiration list:) Thanks again and wish you all the best with the system.
michaelnr1, Sheol, mike888705, 3mrhythm, nrehman -
Thank you all for your very kind words.

Lunchbucket -
Thank you very much. About 50% of my sps were acquired from frag swap, hobbyists and private collectors, and the rest were purchased from lfs. I had a chance to get some exotic corals from Jamie Cross 3 years ago. Since then, I started my sps collection journey in collecting rare and exotic corals .

HBtank -
Yes, my tank is a SPS dominanted tank. There were some lps in the tank before, but since they had to be placed at the bottom and due to the restriction of the flow, I took them out and placed them into my frag tank.

i2ik -
Yes, I do have some pictures in my old computer. I will try to get some of the former pics and post them here. There is quite a big difference when looking at the before pictures and after pictures.

InsaneClownFish -
I really appreicated it. The initial phase of the set up was very time-consuming. I needed to provide enough room for corals to grow, at the same time I also needed to provide lot of open space for fish to swim. So far, it has worked out pretty well.

delphinus -
Yes, I feed my tank at least 8 times a day, and sometimes even more. I make sure they are well fed in my tank. I do have an auto timer set up to feed my fish 4 times a day.

CurvBall -
Thanks a lot. The tank has changed quite a bit, the corals are growing at an incredible rate. I will try to get more picutures later.


How about another FTS of this beauty,a little further back this time showing the tank and stand in one shot.

Im glad to see you don't need ZEo to get zeo like results.

I notice a distinct lack of PE in the pics. Do you agitate the corals right before picture taking to get them to close, or do the flame angels do it for you?

Awesome corals BTW. They glow!