My 320g SPS & Fish Collection

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11048002#post11048002 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by nwrogers
WOW! Very nice tank!! I would love to see a FTS. TOTM for sure :thumbsup:

I guess I should say I would like to see a photo that is straight on from the front that is the full tank left to right. I saw a few FTSs that were at an angle but it is hard to get feel for the depth, size, and aquascaping of the tank from that angle. Again really nice tank!

did you "cook" your LR before you put it in your tank??

also, do you have any pics of from along the way??? like from when you first set it up??
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Kudos on creating this masterpiece!
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10787858#post10787858 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by fastfish
My weekly maintenance routine is mainly composed of a ~40 gallon water change, and cleaning up my sump and overflow box.
what salt mix(es) do you use?
Another FTS please,straight on and lets seen the whole room in this shot.This probabley has already been asked but do your angels nip at any of your beautiful corals??
WOW!!! B E A U T I F U L! Great tank! It's tanks like yours that made me wanna get into SPS and extreme reefing haha
I went through every page but i didn't see a full tank shot. Did i miss it?
Keep up the great work!
Wow!!!! That is a great looking tank. I would love to own a tank like that in the future. I do have a 55 g tank. However, I move away for dental school so my mom has to take care of the tank for me. Tank like your keep me relax from the stress from exams. Thank you very much for sharing the pictures. Please continue to post new pictures. I miss my tank so much.
I to have been following this thead. Fastfish has been a little quite.. We would like to see some full on in room shots of the tank...

The shots he supplied, are truly amazing... Although all those corals with all those Angels and large bioload would be tricky. And require almost round the clock monitoring..

I have a large SPS system, and good support equipment. It's a hands on 2-3 times a day check on condition, to keep everybody happy. And I have less than half the bioload he's supporting.

If this is a running system, my hats off to you. You are truly a god among reefers...

Happy reefing
You figured it out. The tank is too good to be true. He doesn't even own it!!!

The tank resides at my house....yes it's true. I will try to get a picture of me, my livingroom and the tank.

If only I can figure out how to take pictures in my DREAMS....
That was a just a joke by the way. It seems harse to suggest that fastfish is being anything but truthful. Besides he is a fellow Canadian and we have laws about lying.

I do know what you mean about being to good to be true (believable). My one and only angel, a coral beauty, went crazy after over a year of being good and starting going after my SPS. Personally I wouldnt try another angel....I dont like risks.
Thank you for everyone again.

Sorry for the late reply. It has been a very very busy month, I had to prepare for a big sport convention at the end of Octocber in Seattle. At the same time, I also have to prepare lot of things for an important event. :D I didn't have time to get back to all of your here. Finally, with everything done, I can sit back and enyjoy my tank again!

grimmjohn, murphreef, aiko670, achillesheel, nwrogers, gig, Giga, deep6er, montrealreef, i2ik- Thanks so much.

kalel1976 -With my aquascaping and coral placement, my tank seems to look bigger than its actual measurments. I only buy fish that are smaller in sizes

NexDog - Thanks. Most FTS will be coming. :)

michika - Thanks, I am quite satisfied with my system so far.

nwrogers - yes, More FTS from front and different angle will be coming.

ooja3k - All my LR were cooked for 6 months before putting in the tank.

Gary Majchrzak - Thanks so much . I use Instant Ocean Salt Mix, which is high in Alkality and lower in Calcium. I usually add a few cupS of Turbo Calcium after water change. No, there are no clams in my tank, I doubt if I can trust my angels with clams.

jwccwj - Sure. More shots will be coming. Some of them did occasionaly nip at the polyps in the beginning. I make sure they are really well fed, so currently they only act as glazers in the tank.

saltwater4life1 - A few FTS are posted on pg. 3 of this thread, more will be posted soon.

taithao35 - Thanks! More pictures will be coming.

ricks - Detail explanation of the system and more pictures will be coming.

dvanacker - Thanks! My angels are very well behaved.

eddie holland - I usually use my frag tank for quarantine purposes (fish and corals). There are just a few pieces of corals in there now.