My 40 Breeder SPS (mostly)

Here ya go






Very nice pics. Got a FTS? Do you have a build thread, or can you give more details on your system? I also have a 40B, so I'm very interested in learning how others are running. I'm mostly interested in lights and additives.

Very nice pics. Got a FTS? Do you have a build thread, or can you give more details on your system? I also have a 40B, so I'm very interested in learning how others are running. I'm mostly interested in lights and additives.


No build thread, I'll try to get more pics up soon. I built a suspended canopy that has two 36" blue+ and four 24" (two blue+ and can't remember the other two). I use Hard Trace, Koralcolor, and ME aminos. I also do a drop of iodine about every other day. I think it really brings out the blues.
Very nice tank. What is your filtration and how many fish/what kinds of fishes do you have?
Very nice tank. What is your filtration and how many fish/what kinds of fishes do you have?

Thank you. I have a 20 gallon long sump with a reef octopus 110 and about 2 liters of Seachem Matrix. I also periodically use a filter sock. As for fish I have a tail spot blenny, a yellow assessor, and a lantern bass.
Love the flow in there, I have had the best luck with flow like that. And things grow so much tighter and uniform. Definatly wanting to see how things do.
Very nice addition; that appears to have much potential. What return pump are you using?
Sorry for not replying, I was in Kauai :)


This is a very interesting piece.
Looks like lots of potential.
Got any new pics?

I'll try to snap a few tomorrow.

Looks like you have a ton of flow. What is that? An mp40, an mp10, and two jebaos? Wow.

Yes sir! I don't run the vortechs at full speed though.

Love the flow in there, I have had the best luck with flow like that. And things grow so much tighter and uniform. Definatly wanting to see how things do.

As you can tell, I prefer a lot of flow in my tanks ;)

Very nice! Those colors are lovely.looks like the Amino's and koralcolor are paying off!

Thank you!

Very nice addition; that appears to have much potential. What return pump are you using?

Yeah I'm excited to see what it does! I'm using the Jebao DCT-4000. I've been really happy with it.
Very nice. Love the scape. That last piece is fascinating. I think the reds and blues will stand out contrasting each other.
I have close to the same dosing regimen so I will be following along to see how your colors are developing.
I dropped the Trace Hard because my greens were becoming dominate and shiny.[I do weekly WCs].

Is it possible to get another update pic of that last red and blue mille?

Thanks and good luck,