Yesterday morning I started to test and knew what was coming by my keen sense of smell. Nh3 = 8ppm. This was the only test I did. I had saved the water from the rock holding tubs and had been running a powerhead in it, I tested and found detectable readings of Nh3, No2, No3 but, still perfectly fine for it's intended purpose. I used this water to do a approx 25gallon water change to get the Nh4 to a number I was more comfortable with.
3rd water test:
Temp: 80.5 +
Ph: 8.27 -
SG: 1.024 -
NO2: 0.50ppm +
No3: 35ppm +
NH3: 4.0ppm +
CA: 435ppm +
DKH:16 +
PO4: 0.125ppm -
Mg: 1280ppm -
I spent this morning getting my plumbing ready for the equipment sump. I have set up a version of the Calfo style automatic water change system and during the water testing of this tank it performed flawlessly. I will expand on that later when I can add pics to explain it a little better.
I got my ATO system hooked up and in place, and now I am mixing a bunch more salt water to add to the system and some to hold the cleaning crew in until the Nh3 levels out to 0.00.
Ordered from reftopia for delivery thursday:
100 Turbo Snail
18 Nerite Tesselatta
48 Nassarius Snails
24 Cerith Snails {the good kind}
4 Emerald Crabs
4 Peppermint Shrimp
Fishkeeper: Stocking list- Mixed reef
:rollface: . JK. There is not a type of coral I do not like, so this is my stocking plan. When the params are right I plan to add a good representitive or two from each of SPS, LPS, Shrooms, Softie and Zoanthids. I will carefully monitor growth rates and general health of the species. I have tried to create a enviroment that many varied species can live but, will ultimately choose to focus on what does the best in my tank. I think this will keep me focused on proper tank maintenece and husbandry rather than trying to change the setup to house a species that may not naturally do well for this particular set up. Once the corals are determined I will work on a fish list. I would like to have a green carpet up top, but I am not sure the tank will support it, only time will tell.
Neo and Chris, I'm anxious too and really excited about this new setup, I do have patience but, would prefer the tank to take a little dive before I go out spendin $ on livestock.