My 55g tank thread

Dang, I forgot to reply to you. Sorry about that.

My sand is some sand that came from petbox. The people I bought the tank from said that they bought a bunch of it, cost them alot of $$. Its now live as all get out! many many worms, many things living in it.

I recommend this stuff from makeman. Its like 200y for a bag, has alot of fine crushed coral in it, and very nice looking. Same thing Jeff has in his tank. Make sure you wash it out first though! My sand is too thin I think, which is a problem with the tunze. People have 2 or 3 of my size tunzes in 55g tanks and have no problems with sand beds. I have one and not even turned up past 1/2 way and it moves the front of my DSB. Id get that stuff from make-man.

And I was going to get the D70, but got this. I just got it after years of wanting it, I finally just went and got it. I already had lens' from my all I needed was the body. The yen rate was really good, like 118 or 119 and there was a sale going on at the camera shop outside of foster, the guy was really helpful and I put down the YY. Glad I did, I love it. Still ALOT to learn with it though!
I try to get out once a week with it.
In the Sept issue from Scuba Diving Magazine they listed the Cameras that the pros are shooting. The Cannon EOS-1DsMKII, Cannon EOS5D, and Nikon D2X tied as the most popular. Next was the Cannon EOS 20D and the Nikon D100. Next popular was the Nikonos (various models) and the Nikon D70.

I shoot the Olympus 5050. The thing about this camera I don't like is the highest Fstop is F8. Makes it kind of hard to get those nice star bursts when shooting up at the sun. I have to be 60' down to get a good star burst. This pic was taken in about 30' so I had to increase the speed to get the star burst but by doing so the pic comes out dark.
Nice pic, I've been doing photography for about 15 years, but never anything underwater, mainly stuff like this... and next time you go down there, can you bring me that one back..? it would really look nice in my tank....

pardon the low resolution....










I also have problems with tank pics. I have tried many many many times to take pics of my tank, but I see many people taking much better pics, and I can't do it. Drives me nuts. Id love to take some macro shots of my corals...if I could only figure out how!

Drives me nuts! (I think its my lense though)
We moved into our new place this weekend. Tank moved just fine. Thanks again Mike for lending the hand!

The rockwork is re-setup. I need more LR! Everything in my tank got taken out, and everything was rebuilt (inside of the tank). I also added about 25# more sand, a little heavier substrate to hopefully help not move my sand bed from the Tunze stream. That seems to be working out OK, its still blowing around a little bit, but its better than before, so I will live with it.

I finally was able to ditch that stupid mag9 pump. From what I read, the impellers go bad, so im going to order a new impeller the next time I place an order and see if that helps. I didnt want to take the risk of ordering a new impeller and that not fixing the pump so I got a new return pump and put it in last night. I got a aquamedic 6500 which is rated at 1625gph @ 0 feet, 800gph @ 9ft (which is more than I had thought it was) im probably around 1000-1100gph or so @ ~3.5ft and I kicked a little more flow through my fuge. Its exactly what I was looking for. Im really happy about it.

I also ordered some moonlights. That was a waste of money, they are complete piles of crap. I figured 2, 3/4w bulbs would light up my tank...considering Jeff has 1, 1w bulb in his tank and it lights it up....nope. If anyone wants some moonlights for a nano...$10 and they are yours. I paid $15 for them...plugged them in once. I think they would work great in like a 10 or 15g tank.

My next task at hand will be to re-plumb the tank. Lockline and all...
Yeah, For moon lights, Icecap is the way to go. I have seen some of hte cheaper ones and they just don't seem to cut it.