My 57g Rimless


replaced my beloved swc 160 skimmer (which was too beastly for my tank) with a Bubble Magus Curve 5 which is half the size and very efficient.


A few seconds after turning on..

First week..

Picked up a pair of dosers..




I still need to clean up the wires and mount everything better. I'm still not dosing anything (just kalk) until I find the time to finish it.
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I'm currently working on a new light rack to get rid of the ghetto wires hanging from the ceiling. And i'm installing a 30g ATO with a line coming from the garage.

Hopefully i'll find some nice stuff to add at the swap. :)

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Was the skimmer swap just to free up sump space or do you think it will perform better given that its sized better for your bioload?
thats looking gorgeous! i really want to do a rimless on my next tank. I have a rimless 10 gal nano, but im talking like 80-120gal. to replace my main display tank.
Was the skimmer swap just to free up sump space or do you think it will perform better given that its sized better for your bioload?

Free up space so I can fit a filter sock. I was probably better off with the swc because I like keeping alot of fish but I also like running a sock to catch detritus.

thats looking gorgeous! i really want to do a rimless on my next tank. I have a rimless 10 gal nano, but im talking like 80-120gal. to replace my main display tank.

I had a 92 corner for years that I really liked but couldn't get my mind off a rimless so the 92 came down. :thumbsup:
Awesome build. Aquascape looks good. Like the zoa rock you've got going. I just sold my 150 cube for some radion LEDs and reef octopus xp1000 skimmer going to be putting it over a 57 rimless also. Can't wait