my 60 gal corner

I also forgot to mention that there an auto top off built into the "sump" portion of this tank as well as a heavy duty fan. With the open topped canopy heat was never an issue with Tyson. He just had the timer for the fan coordinated with the MH.
Good Luck selling it Vicki! I really miss having my corner tank. I am in the process of setting up a 105 gal cube and it is DRAINING my bank account! My wife told me the other day, "You know, it sure would have been easier for you to just keep the corner tank".

Whoever buys it, if you need any pics to help set it up I still have a ton and would be more than happy to send them to you
Here is a pic right before I tore it down

Thanks Tyson. I have most everything I need to go with the cube since I will be using the lighting I already have as well as the sump. Hopefully the tank, stand and canopy will be the most expensive. Good luck with yours.