My 60 gallon mostly SPS cube tank


I didn't start out wanting an SPS tank but there are so many great looking SPS corals out there it just kinda ended up that way. I have a few LPS and zoas but I'm about 90% SPS. It's a 60 gallon cube with a 120 watt LED lighting it. The light seems to be a little weak so I think I will be upgrading in the near future. My circulation is handled by two korillia nanos running of my apex. I run them 5 min on,5 min off, 10 min on to mix up the flow. I also run a RW8 on wave mode at about 80%. My sump is an eshopps cube sump that I wish was bigger but I'm very limited on space under the tank. This is my first cube tank and though I really like the look of it, there is no space in the stand for equipment. In The sump I'm running a 4" filter sock with purigen inside the sock, two TLF 150s with GFO and carbon, a simplicity skimmer with a DC pump, and a small fuge with cheto and calupia. The controller is an apex Jr with an EB8, PM1 box, temp and PH probe. This is my first tank with a controller and I would highly recommend using one on any tank if you haven't tried one yet. I run kalk in the ATO and dose acropower once a week. Most of my corals are just frags the tank has been running for only three months. I'll get some more pics up when I have time.


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Hey Russ,

I'm glad I found your thread. I have a 60 cube Deep Blue that I'm about to set up.

Which of the eshopps cube sumps do you have? They have the Nano and now the Medium.
Hey Russ,

I'm glad I found your thread. I have a 60 cube Deep Blue that I'm about to set up.

Which of the eshopps cube sumps do you have? They have the Nano and now the Medium.

I have the Nano. I think it is to small for my set up. If I had it to do over again I would definitely go for a larger sump. It's hard to put a good sump under a cave tank. So limited In Usable space
Yes, I'm struggling. Their new Medium model is bigger but that is relative. I'm still struggling to see how to fit everything in it.
Yes, I'm struggling. Their new Medium model is bigger but that is relative. I'm still struggling to see how to fit everything in it.

You should check out advanced acrylics they make a great one. It's the one I wanted. I think it was 20x20
Thanks. I looked but they don't make the overflow to filter socks that I need to keep things quiet.

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Everything looks great! How do you like the simplicity skimmer?

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I like the skimmer a lot. It works great and is pretty easy to tune in. The DC pump is almost silent, I only used the adjustability feature during the break in and now I run it at full power all the time and adjust the bubble height from the output. The collection cup is very easy to get on and off and it has a controller so you can pause it for ten minutes when cleaning the cup or feeding your fish. I picked it up new for 179.99 shipped. I think it is a great value for the money.
Thanks for the feedback! Do you think it would be too much for a 34gallon frag tank?

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Thanks for the feedback! Do you think it would be too much for a 34gallon frag tank?

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It's rated 60-120 gallons depending on bio load. So it would be more than enough for your tank. The guy I purchased mine from knows a lot about them and sells lots of them. If you Want I can PM his number to you.
I'm getting a lot of new growth on my SPS. Super happy about it. Especially my red planet and green slimer frags. I've been using acro power sparingly, my tank is pretty high nutrient anyways so I'm only doing a half dose twice a week. I have also been feeding coral frenzy twice a week. Today I started using siporax bio media in a reactor. I'm gonna keep an eye on my nitrate and phosphate to see what it does

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Getting some little nubs popping out of my frags. I can't wait till it all grows in




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I thinking of changing my lighting. Right now I I'm use an older Chinese LED. I got it for free I'm not sure how old it is or if they lose power over time. Not sure what I'm going to replace it with yet. I'm open to ideas

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Nice looking tank, I love the vertical height to match the height of the aquarium, good use of space :) Going to be sweet when the corals fill in, great job!
My 60 gallon mostly SPS cube tank

What kind of light is that you're using in your fuge and how do you like it so far? Pros/cons/price?

It's the light that is made for the sump by Eshopps. It's kind of pricey(I think around $80) but I found one on eBay and got it for cheap. It works very well, it has plenty of power, stays cool, and is easy to mount and take out when you need to get to the fuge

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