Premium Member
Mate I have one Bangai in my tank...I had a PJ Cardinal as well...but the regular version one killed it...wouldnt let it go near his half of the tank and used to pester it at feeding times... Bangai's can be pretty mean to thier own kind.
I tell you mate, that is going to make your corals look awesome, but will make photography that much harder. Will look awesome late at night.
I want a Barry LOL. Barry looks cool. I had one of those years ago in my nano tank...back when the LiveRock coming into the UK WAS its mostly cr@p. Mine had orange legs..never saw the central disc, always had a few legs sticking out and stayed in the same place.
Just done a water change on my tank. Really taking care of my tank lately...I miss having a tank thread, so hopefully my corals will reward me with nice colours soon and I can have a tank thread hehehe.
Lesson learned regarding stupid nasty cardinals (fish) mate......:deadhorse1:
The new RB/UV light bar alone at night gives me a ' hahaha that's ridiculous..' look that actinics can't match. I said that out loud when i switched it on

I always go to great trouble to save any brittle stars or acro crabs that i'm going to disturb by chopping up their home, i love anything that likes to reside in my SPS without doing harm as critters are cool

I expect lots of gratuitous acro porn pics when you start your journal mate, if i don't see them you know i'll cut loose with derogatory comments on your reef so don't say i didn't give you fair warning........ :strooper:
While I admit that I suffer from frequent brain-farts, I've been very cautious about dosing anything with the system, still trying to keep things simple. A while ago, my ONLY reefer friend locally, purchased some Reef Iodide, and went a wee....well not really wee....more like "searching for the Titanic" type overboard. He has a 80g system, and was dosing a LOT of it, to the point that almost all acros just turned purple, you could pretty much dip your.....let's go with there and it'd turn purple. So, the amount I tried out to raise potassium was actually about 2/3rd of the recommended weekly dose. Admittedly, I failed to check out the exact concentrations...but given that I was doing 10ml weekly anyway, didn't see the harm. Happy to report and there's been no changes in the coral colors. So while not an exact science, I was pretty sure that I'd be ok. I did try out KZ K-Strong prior, but found it very diluted as well.
I'm using the Red Sea Regular type salt. K+ tests out at 390ppm, which is good enough for me
I was hoping that I might see some saturation in colors after upping the dosing....nope!. And I've also realized that I'm also really bad at noticing subtle changes in color...., it has to be the "in your face" type of a change, for me to really notice
The interesting question here I feel, is why did I experience low K+....No zeolites....salt at 390ppm...5-10% weekly water changes. So why? Needlewheel skimmer? I do remember Bob ("Aged Salt" from the Zeovit forums) mentioning the skimmer possibility
One more thing....while my friend was doing his overboard thing....his Monti Caps grew like crazy!!!!!....Mine??.... very little..all anecdotal I know![]()
I think the water changes you do won't keep up with alk and calcium demand so why would they keep potassium at the correct levels........ I still think you should drop the bloody iodine and just dose straight potassium considering you haven't seen an impact on colors really. My acro colors are fine despite potassium dropping under 300 so i'm only chasing acro growth and colors on the monti's and seri's to improve once the potassium is back at 400.
If i see a big impact from the potassium dosing i guess i better start doing the regular monthly water changes i'm always saying i'll do because who knows what other trace elements are being depleted that may be having a negative effect on the corals.
I loved your latest video mate.
Apologies if you already mentioned it, but I would like to know the total turnover of the volume in your display tank please. My pumps (4 X Tunze 6055) plus the return from the sump turn over my display tank about 75 times per hour.
By the way, I like the idea of gluing corals to glass. I will borrow the concept as I have run out of space on live rock.
Finally, I also use Brightwell's Potassion-P (powdered form) :fun5: to keep up with Potassium depletion in my tank (about 10 ppm every ten days). When I run out of it, I will purchase potassium chloride directly from Ebay, which works out a lot cheaper.
Glad you liked the video mate

I have 90 times the display volume in circulation with the 4 pumps in the display at present, as long as you're not directly blasting anything you really can't overdo the water flow for SPS imo but you can certainly under do it. I never count the return in my flow calculations as it's only about 250 gal/hour or about 4 times the display volume.
I would strongly suggest swapping out one of your 6055's for a 6095 wide flow mate as you get much greater flow output but it's spread out much wider and softer than any of the other nano streams - just an idea if you're ever thinking about upping the flow in your display.
Go for it with the frags on the glass, lots of wasted real estate on those glass panels lol......
I'll be doing the same as you and Sahin and sourcing a cheap bulk potassium supplement online if i see positive results from raising the level back to 400. :thumbsup:
Biggles. I dose potassium, iodide, and iron. I can notice a difference in my montis almost the next day. When they look a little brown i dose K and Fe and the next day they are glowing. Ive been using the red sea kits. It seems efficient. Youll be happy you started dosing. Heck your tank is awesome now. Just wait til you dose.
Thanks for the info on the results you're seeing from the dosing mate. I hope i see an improvement in the seri's and monti's as they aren't earning their keep at the moment compared to the colors on my acros. I'm using the Salifert kit for potassium so hopefully it's accurate. If it's not i'm blaming Reef Noob for any dramas i encounter.......
Hi Biggles, are you still running your Tunze pumps without a controller?
Yes mate only the WP-25 is controllable, all the Tunze streams are running flat out with the WP-25 ramping up and down to disrupt the flow patterns of all the other pump outputs. I'm used to the old fashioned powerheads so these stream pumps are a novelty still to me lol. As i always say, you only need one pump controllable to have good random water movement if you place its output in the right direction.